Birthday Calander, and Name thingy
Birthday calander (Did this a couple days ago…so it’s a couple days late now)
You entered: 6/15/1975
Your date of conception was on or about 22 September 1974 which was a Sunday.
You were born on a Sunday
under the astrological sign Gemini.
Your Life path number is 7.
The Julian calendar date of your birth is 2442578.5.
The golden number for 1975 is 19.
The epact number for 1975 is 17.
The year 1975 was not a leap year.
As of 11/25/2005 12:09:13 PM EST
You are 30 years old.
You are 365 months old.
You are 1,588 weeks old.
You are 11,123 days old.
You are 266,916 hours old.
You are 16,014,969 minutes old.
You are 960,898,153 seconds old.
Your age is the equivalent of a dog that is 4.35264187866928 years old. (You’re still chasing cats!)
There are 202 days till your next birthday
on which your cake will have 31 candles
Those 31 candles produce 31 BTUs,
or 7,812 calories of heat (that’s only 7.8120 food Calories!) .
You can boil 3.54 US ounces of water with that many candles.
In 1975 there were approximately 3.1 million births in the US.
In 1975 the US population was approximately 203,302,031 people, 57.4 persons per square mile.
In 1975 in the US there were approximately 2,152,662 marriages (10.1%) and 1,036,000 divorces (4.9%)
In 1975 in the US there were approximately 1,921,000 deaths (9.5 per 1000)
Your birthstone is Alexandrite
The Mystical properties of Alexandrite
Alexandrite can assist one in centering the self, reinforcing self-esteem, and augmenting ones ability to experience joy. (I think I be needing to get some of this for meself.)
Some lists consider these stones to be your birthstone. (Birthstone lists come from Jewelers, Tibet, Ayurvedic Indian medicine, and other sources)
Pearl, Moonstone, Opal
Your birth tree is
Fig Tree, the Sensibility
Very strong, a bit self-willed, independent, does not allow contradiction or arguments, loves life, its family, children and animals, a bit of a butterfly, good sense of humour, likes idleness and laziness, of practical talent and intelligence. ( Self-willed? Me? *laughs* *pokes at it* So does that sound like me?)
There are 30 days till Christmas 2005!
The moon’s phase on the day you were
born was waxing crescent.
What your name means
You entered: Jennifer (Okay…there you have it…what is written on my birth certificate…blah)
There are 8 letters in your name.
Those 8 letters total to 45
There are 3 vowels and 5 consonants in your name.
Your number is: 9
The characteristics of #9 are: Humanitarian, giving nature, selflessness, obligations, creative expression.
The expression or destiny for #9:
The expression that you exhibit is represented by the number 9. Your talents center in humanistic interests and approaches. You like to help others as you were intended to be the ‘big brother or big sister’ type. (Could explain why I’ve found myself some siblings. *hugs* ) You operate best when you follow your feelings and sense of compassion, and allow yourself to be sensitive to the needs of others. (I’m sensitive to the needs of others…awww…I’m so sweet.) You work well with people, and have the potential to inspire. (I work well with people. Whoa, when did this happen?) This suggests that you could successfully teach or counsel. Creative ability, imagination and artistic talent (often latent) of the highest order are present in this expression. It’s possible that you’re not using or developing all of these capabilities at this time. Some of your talents may have been used at an earlier time in your life, and some may still be latent. Be aware of your capabilities, so that you can make use of them at appropriate times.
If you are able to achieve the potential of your natural expression in this life, you are capable of much human understanding and have a lot to give to others. Your personal ambitions are likely to be maintained in a very positive perspective, never losing sight of an interest in people, and a sympathetic, tolerant, broad-minded and compassionate point of view. (Aww…I’m sympathetic and compassionate.) You are quite idealistic, and disappointed at the lack of perfection in the world. (Have I mentioned lately that the world sucks?) You have a strong awareness of your own feeling as well as those of others. Friendships, affection, and love are extremely important. (Yeses…very much true.)
Undeveloped or ignored, the negative side of the 9 expression can be very selfish and self-centered. If you do not actively involve yourself with work that benefits others, you may tend to express just the opposite characteristics. It is your role to be very involved with other people and their needs, but it may be difficult for you achieve this role. Aloofness, lack of involvement, and a lack of sensitivity mark the low road of this expression.
Your Soul Urge number is: 1
A Soul Urge number of 1 means:
Your Soul Urge is the number 1. With a Soul Urge number of 1, you want to lead and direct, to work independent of supervision, by yourself or with subordinates. You take pride in your abilities and want to be recognized for them. You may seek opportunities to display your strength and usefulness, wanting to create and originate. In your desire to manage the big picture and the main issues, you may often leave the details to others.
The positive 1 Soul Urge is Ambitious and determined, a leader seeking opportunities. There is a great deal of honesty and loyalty in this character. If you possess positive 1 Soul Urge qualities, you are very attainment oriented and driven to success. You are a loyal friend and strictly fair in your business dealings.
The negative side of the 1 Soul Urge mu
st be avoided. A negative 1 is apt to dominate situations and people; the home, the spouse, the family and the business. Emotions aren’t strong in this nature. If you possess an excess of 1 energy, you may, at times, be boastful and egotistic. You must avoid being too critical and impatient of trifles. The great need of the 1 Soul Urge is the development of friendliness, and a sincere interest in people.
Your Inner Dream number is: 8
An Inner Dream number of 8 means:
You dream of success in the business or political world, of power and control of large material endeavors. You crave authority and recognition of executive skills. Your secret self may have very strong desire to become an entrepreneur.
And again…
You entered: Raven (Since I’m pretty sure she’s more me than I am anymore anyway.)
There are 5 letters in your name.
Those 5 letters total to 24
There are 2 vowels and 3 consonants in your name.
Your number is: 6
The characteristics of #6 are: Responsibility, protection, nurturing, community, balance, sympathy.
The expression or destiny for #6:
The number 6 Expression provides you a truly outstanding sense of responsibility, love, and balance. The 6 is helpful and ever conscientious, making you quite capable of rectifying and balancing any sort of inharmonious situation. You are a person very much inclined to give help and comfort to those in need. (Um…yeah…I can see me giving comfort to those in need.) You have a natural penchant for working with the old, the young, the sick, or the underprivileged. Although you may have considerable creative and artistic talents, the chances are that you will devote yourself to an occupation that shows concern for the betterment of the community.
The positive side of the number 6 suggests that you are very loving, friendly, and appreciative of others. (Yes, I can appreciate others that no one else can appreciate…This is that whole loving the unlovable thing, isn’t it?) You have a depth of understanding that produces much sympathetic, kindness, and generosity. The qualities of the 6 make the finest and most concerned parent and one often deeply involved in domestic activities. Openness and honesty is apparent in your approach to all relationships.
If there is an excess of the number 6 in your makeup, you may exhibit some of the negative traits associated with this number. There may be a tendency for you to be too exacting and demanding of yourself. In this regard, you may at times sacrifice yourself (or your loved ones) for the welfare of others. In some cases, the over zealous 6 has difficulty distinguishing helping from interfering. You may have difficulty expressing your own individuality, (Never had that problem myself…I have a problem NOT expressing my own individuality. *luaghs*) because of involvement with responsibilities and causes. Like all with the Expression of the number 6, it’s quite likely that you worry much too much. (Do do that on occasion…*kicks worry*)
Your Soul Urge number is: 6
A Soul Urge number of 6 means:
With a number 6 Soul Urge, you would like to be appreciated for your ability to handle responsibility. Your home and family are likely to be a strong focus for you, perhaps the strongest focus of your life. Friendship, love, and affection are high on your list of priorities for a happy life.(Yeses, the is.) You have a lot of diplomatic tendencies in your makeup, as you a able to rectify and balance situations with an innate skill. (I do seem to be the diplomat on occasion.) You like working with people rather than by yourself. It is extremely important for you to have harmony in your environment at all times.
The positive side of the 6 Soul Urge produces a huge capacity for responsibility; you are always there and ready to assume more than your share of the load. If you possess positive 6 Soul Urges and express them, you are known for your generosity, understanding and deep sympathetic attitude.(Understanding and deep sympathetic attitude…I can see this…and the trouble it’s likely to cause.) Strong 6 energy is very giving of love, affection, and emotional support. (Again, yeah…I see this getting me into a bit of trouble.) You may have the inclination to teach or serve your community in other idealistic ways. You have natural abilities to help people. You are also likely to have artistic and creative leanings.
If you have an over-supply of 6 energy in your makeup, you may express some of the negative traits common to this number. With such a strong sympathetic attitude, it is easy to become too emotional. (Um…yeah…like having overly deep feelings for someone you shouldn’t. *yes, that is in reference to that whole loving someone other than Severus* )Sometimes the desires to render help can be over done, and it can become interfering and an attitude that is too protective, rather than helpful. The person with too much 6 energy often finds that people tend to take advantage of this very giving spirit. You may tend to repress your own needs so that you can cater to the demands from others. At times, there may be a tendency in this, for becoming over-loaded with such demands, and as a result become resentful.
Your Inner Dream number is: 9
An Inner Dream number of 9 means:
You dream of being creative, intellectual, and universal; the selfless humanitarian. You understand the needy and what to help them. You would love to be a person people count on for support and advice.
So yeah…that is my bit of fun for the moment.
That’s cool. Where do I do that at?
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was bored lol .. so yes you started a trend!
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and yes i forgot to sign out *laughs*
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