Thoughts/Thoughts….And…”The Adventure”

Last night OpenDiary hated me. I guess to make up for being nice to me the last two nights before hand when it was hating everyone else, and not me. Anyway…

*hugs sister tightly* Had a very *tries to think of an appropriate word* *gives up* (Anyway…)…Had a conversation with my wonderful sister. Got a lot out that I kept inside of me for the most part…for years now. It actually felt good to be able to get it out, and not keep it inside. I feel better to have released some of it. I am lucky I found my sister. She is very important to me. But I got some of the darkest things out…and it feels much better.

Thank you Raya…for just being there…for listening to me…for understanding…for caring…for everything. *BIG HUGS*


And on a lighter note…And blame Nell for this one. *laughs*  See what happens when you ask odd things (referencing the THAC0 question for that survey thing).   Anyway…now I have a warped and twisted thought stuck in my head.

Thought being: It really shouldn’t take so much effort, and one could convert the AD&D gaming system (And I know someone whose going to freak out at this thought…and that I even dared to think it, or mention it…but since he doesn’t note me…then 😛 @ him), over to a way to play a paper/pen/dice version of a Harry Potter Roleplaying game. And now the thought is stuck…*shakes head* Yes, stuck.


Seems like there was something else…And darling sister Raya just reminded me. *Hugs* Many thanks!


This comes from roleplaying at DragonLance sites…and an adventure that lasted well over a year, and crossed over the 2000 post mark. *smiles*    It was a wonderful time in my life…and will never be forgotten.

A bronze dragon in the gueise of a human, and a half-elf sat in an inn. The half-elf spoke of an uncertain task as the two drank. A young red-haired man overheard the two speaking, and invited himself to join the conversation. In the course of the evening, the red-haired man told his story as well…and the three decided to depart on the morning for adventure.

Before retiring for the evening though, a dark man entered the inn as well. It was the red-haired man he was looking for…he was who the red-head was running from. There was a ‘disagreement’ over a sword it seemed. But there was a lot more dark things in these two mens past.

Despite the disagreement between the two men, it was decided over a good night’s sleep that the both of them would enter into this journey with the disguised dragon, and the half-elf. As the group of four were making their way from table to standing, in the thought of leaving the inn…A cloaked figure entered. The newcomer asked the red-head if he was leaving again so soon, without even so much as a hello. She then threw back her hood, to reveal a face so like the mother she did not know. The red-haired man was exstatic to see one whom he counted as his first real friend in this world (as he was from another), and the dark man was taken aback, as he could of sworn he’d seen a ghost. Aside from the girl’s shining blue eyes, her mother’s were brown, yet he didn’t not know that this woman was the daughter of the one he’d meet years before…He only knew that this woman was dead these past years.

The woman chose to join the other three, and the four set off. Little did they know what they were in store for…little did they know the friends, and enemies they would make along the way…little did they know that such a random encounter in an inn would shape thier lives forever.

Orlando DeZygai – half-elf on an unknown mission. (Fearless Leader) (Landow)
Kahllendrose – bronze dragon, a devoted follower of good.
Jack O’shea – red-headed troublemaker…er…mercenary.
Nelkwyn Lordor – dark half-elf  (who comes to redemption)
Kitana MacKid – What can I say….just one bloody awsome character. Okay, okay…mercenary, without out knowledge of her family, or love…come to learn of one (love)…then eventually will the other (Oh bloody hell, why does this suddenly seem VERY familiar? *falls over laughing*)
Kandrion –  A red-robed mage
Rachel – Another red-robed mage
Thorin Archbrow – ‘fatherly-type’ dwarf…(Though he’d never stand up to Flint as a char.)
Dulthan –  Yound Solamic Knight in training *coughs*boring*coughs* (Not a fan of the knights myself)
Hoogle – Kender and finder of lost things (mainly Kit’s sword)
Scorn – Kender…had only a bried stint…unfairly I’m sure.
Korwin –  You know…I was never really sure what he was…other than a bit of odd…though must admire anyone who has a displacer beast for a pet.
Kendra – Korwin’s sister…Landow’s love intrest briefly
Cyan – The prementioned displacer beast. (Though I must say I prefer my Char. of Tauren’s displacer beast NightAngel)
Dany – part fey…mischief maker…Um…distraction for Jack (then again, most were *laughs*)
Opo –  Yay! Um…How does one describe Opo…*hugs the little imp* He was great, really. And will always have a specail place in my heart. *smiles*
Silverbolt – elf, half-drow…And depsite getting us chased out of Crossing…which was actually quite fun…he wasn’t too bad a fellow.
Kavos – Forgive me my brain…I can’t recall off hand which kind he was…Draconian…but one of the good ones. *smiles* (Sure he could hang with Kang any time.)
Cypress – Now she…she is a piece of work. *laughs*  Copper dragon, running around in human form. Got a bit cozy with Jack…and at a later time Kahllendrose. She was outgoing, and a bit of a prankster in her own right, quick with the wit and what not.
Jerdin Firelight – Space filler really…hardly said boo…Kagnoseti elf..really a shame, could of had potential.
Xia –  Um…She was blonde…I think *laughs*  Another of ‘Jack’s women’
Gwen – Ooo…Misplaced Irish woman…fighter…And lost any other thoughts on the subject. *laughs*
Laurel –  One of Jack’s women…Quite the annoying woman really…Miss Prissy Princess…Really had NO place on a real adventure.
Allore – Bloody hell…I can’t remeber…I want to say mis-placed Earthling
Icasia –  Can’t really remeber anything about her either.
~Blah…honorable mention to the half-elf slut, er, I mean cleric, that I can’t remeber her name, but got Kit to realize she had feelings for Wyn (Nelkwyn) and was the first instance of many bloodied knuckles (On a wall or tree…not the elf itself)~
Xan – Didn’t she die when the barn collapsed? *shrugs* Want to say another of Jack’s women too.
DragonsBane – Although it was under a diffrent char. name…some kind of monk I think. Not there for long.
Demos & Silverflame –  Can’t remeber much…weren’t there long, Silverflame was a silver dragon…Demos was…I’m not really sure anymore.

Ares – I think he belonged with the two aformentioned.
Draken – A young boy, just starting out on his adventure…ran into him in a town…Did Kit get drunk there? I know Wyn did…and there was a flower, and Opo…and…isn’t that the same town we offed the drow?
(Speaking of the Drow)
Sorn & Sonat –  Two drow that showed up…not for sure from where…turns out they were after Wyn, because of his betrayal to the Dark Queen (Takhisis, Queen of Darkness….Yes, if does sound familiar if you follow Raven’s story, and you’ve gotten this far *laughs*). I do believe they were be-headed…Don’t think their players were happy with that turn of events, but it had to be done anyway.
Lyla – A very powerful cleric…(Kit still has that ring)…She took care of Silverbolt after he lost his memory…And wasn’t she around during the time at the barn? When it fell down?  That poor barn. *laughs*

Um…yeah…I think that’s it for this entry…I hope it all fits.

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I really liked that story! *hugs* Very good, luv. *hugs tightly* Yes, there just isn’t a word to describe that conversation, but it was good to get out…for both of us. *hugs* I’m glad you’re my sister, too, and we’ll always be there for each other. *hugs* ~ Raya

September 21, 2005

*cheers for raya* oi don’t blame me! but thank you for telling me what it meant and you’re not a geek, believe me theres geekier things than D&D. *grins* and what would i have done if you weren’t here? *more hugs* – i must be supplying your whole collection here you know. *laughs* wow the dragonlance adventure sounds amazing! d’you still RP that too? -nell (too lazy to sign onto other thing.

September 21, 2005

*sneaks up behind you, stuffs you in a trunk* YOU’VE BEEN KIDNAPPED! Now you have to join the Hot Beverage Coven. Specially for tea witches. *laughs* So far, tis myself and Raya, i shall kidnap the original tea witch tomorrow then we shall be four. *laughs* -nell

*points up* Yup, you is one of us now, in the coven! Yay! ~

September 21, 2005

Ya the advneture… lol I had 6 characters in it…I’m trying to think of a way to manipulate 3ed DnD for you Kit. You just need to learn 3ed now :).