so earlier i wrote about sadie, she went to the vet…and she just has an infection where she wont quit digging at the sore on her leg.. so he gave her a stronger antibotic… she’s just chillin out in the living room, so hopefully she’ll start getting better in a few days.
Malachai had ball practice tonight, the first one of the season. She can hit a ball lol! She was so excited about that. She did pretty well fielding the ball, but kept trying to pick the ball up instead of letting it roll into the glove, but she’ll get it down. The best part is that her coach and I went to school together, and we played softball together. Coach was one of our star pitchers, all city and state. I was an outfielder, but a pretty good one 🙂 right now Chai started out on short stop, but they moved around the field trying different possitions. Coach is going to put them in set positions next practice. So we are home, had a snack, then jammies and then bed. It shouldn’t take her too long to fall asleep after all the running they did.
We got our team presentation first draft back, and we got the max amount of points on it. Thankfully I have a creative teammate.. the powerpoint she designed is awesome. I’m going to have to ask her how she did some of the things. Or take a crash course in it. I can’t wait for this class to be over in two weeks. I’ve already complained about the assignments, but yeah, that’s the only thing about it that I don’t like. It’s one of those classes where we really don’t have any guidence because of the lack of chat sessions. Not that I like the classes that have weekly sessions that are manditory, but the professor should be available at a set time if there are questions about the assignments. I know there’s email and all that, but it take 48 hours for an answer… well some assignmetns are due before the proff will get back to ya… (I know I know quit obsessing about it)
So plans for tonight, finish up my assignments …after I eat my pizza… veggie pizza, even though it’s really too late to be eating.. but I’m about starved. I haven’t ate very much today, which is bad I know, not eating throughout the day and wanting to munch all night. I’ve got to break that habit… after I finish up my assignments I’m going to read a bit in my book, then I have to write my new soldier… been meaning to get that done, just kinda flaked on it this week.. and then it’s bed time.
Tomorrow I’m getting outta bed early and starting my workouts again. I completely slacked off of those and it’s starting to show (plus I’ve gained back what I lost) so yeah going to get back into that. Plus getting up early will give me more time to get everything done that I need to…house work, school work, Chai’s stuff lol.. it’s an endless circle I swear. I’m also going to get my room organized in the morning, unless I have time to do it tonight. I’ve actually been going to bed earlier the past few nights, which was one of my goals. It will make getting up earlier easier (or so I keep trying to convince myself)1233 <——Wildcat walked on the keyboard.. silly old thing..
I have pictures of ball practice, I’ll get those up tomorrow, just not in the mood to mess with it tonight.. uploading takes forever on photobucket…at least it seems to for me.
well I’m gonna hop off here get started on my to do list 😛
more tomorrow
<3 Cole
im sorry about sadie but im glad she will be ok. Thanks about my dog. I went with a cream colored dress 🙂
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RYN: The WWII museum is interesting, though you can get much of the information online. ItÂ’s interesting to hear actual participants speaking about their experiences and to see artifacts.
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I didn’t work out during the road trip and man, I felt it on Monday when I got back to the gym. Start easy to avoid pain.
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