
You were far too agrute to fall for my bullshit
You were always open mouthed in anticipation of it
It wouldn’t have mattered if I’d suffered from autophoby
No need for self help when I have you pointing out my deficiencies

Why do you have to complicate this?
It took me a while to work out that you’re just a bablatrice
You just like the sound of your own voice
The amount of times you listen to such a bombilation out of choice.

I wouldn’t mind if you came up with something new once in a while
But it’s the same old complaints, the same old script.
Honey, did you win first prize
At the Worlds Best Battologist Contest?

I sit here, weary and bucculent
Waiting for the next onslaught
I’ll go if you only tell me to go to Canossa
Even Hell sounds like a pleasant resort

In comparison to staying here, listening to you
You’re a pest and a pain and a chadband
And if you don’t believe that I’m serious, then I’ll dejerate
In a kind of language, even you can understand.

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May 25, 2011

Wow, this is wordy. I think it’s more narcissism than floccinaucinihilipilification though…

May 26, 2011

RYN and re this entry… interesting. I may have got the wrong idea from the title. I assumed you were using it for its meaning (the act of valuing something as worthless) but perhaps you were using it as an example of a long word people quote when they’re being up their arses and all “I know the longest word and am the cleverererest…” ? I am really drawn to little snippets and phrases of what you write here in these entries and poems… but when I look at them as a whole, somehow I always fail to get it the way you intended it to be got. I don’t know if this is a difference of viewpoints or what. I think in this one, the way you tried to use the upped vocab was let down by the phraseology around the words, they seemed like they were being inserted via right click > thesaurus, it wasn’t natural and didn’t always quite make sense. The rest of the text around them was too simplistic to give the overal impression of being up oneself and wordy and correct in all ways. The register/tone is all over the place. Eg “You were far too agrute to fall for my bullshit” I assume it was a typo for “argute”, or was it deliberate? I love “You’re a pest and a pain and a chadban