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you’d be surprised… i understand what you’re saying, when you speak of having left your body. that happened to me on several occassions last year, and the year before. i know about not caring, yet thinking that somehow you should care about not caring. it can go away.. it can get better. you can find yourself again. you just have to try. let go of the past, and find something to live for in the

present and something to strive for in the future… remember goals and dreams you had when you were little… they are still there, you just have to dig deep. just look at me… its possible, you can do it… and i hope for you sake you can find that in you, soon. i know what its like living that way, and you can’t go on like that for long without losing everything. take care much love <3

do you make graphics, not specifically for OD, but just in general? if so please let me know!