
I know I’ve been talking a lot about him lately…but I’m SO anxious to see him.

He texted me a little after midnight last night, I was just about to fall asleep.
I know by now I’ve probably told you a billion of the little sweet things he’s said to me, and you’re probably tired of hearing them. Too bad.

He was continuing his pursuit for pictures & I decided it’d been awhile since we’d done this, and I should just give in.
So I told him to give me a minute and he replies “I’m sorry to be doing this so late, but I just couldn’t stop thinking about you.” (aww)

& today I asked him how the weather was (because when we first started talking about me coming to visit I had told him I would come once it was warm). He told me that it’s currently snowing! what the fuck.
So I asked him when a good time was for me to come up because I just wasn’t going to be able to wait on the weather if it was still snowing, and he replied “you’d make a good birthday present” (awwww)

I’m going to have such terrible butterflies the entire flight to Chicago. It’s been 8 months. I can’t wait for the moment I step off that plane.

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