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Tomorrow Never Knows

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July 12, 2005

¦³¡A¥L­Ì¨ä¹ê¬O®`©È¥¢±Ñ¡C »P¨ä»¡®`©È¤£¯à±aµ¹©Ò·Rªº¤H©¯ºÖ¡A¨ä¹ê¬O®`©È­±¹ï¨º¼Ë¥¢±Ñªº¦Û¤v¡C ©Ò¥H¥L­Ì¹çÄ@©ñ±ó¡C


July 12, 2005

ËݦpªG­ø©ñ¤â,¤SÂIª§¨ú§ó¦n©O?! ·R±¡³£«Y¤@³õ½ä³Õ,­n take risk ¬J~

July 12, 2005

con’t. ¤@­Ó¤H¥Í¬¡¡A«K­n¦Û¤v·ÓÅU¦Û¤v¡C ¤H¥Íªº®È³~¤W¡A¦ó¹Á¤£¬O¡H

July 12, 2005

every case is different!!!

July 12, 2005


July 12, 2005

u can fool everyone but not your heart the main reason for giving up is he is not able or willing the responsibility to take care of the gal anymore for the gal she is better to live in the white lie dont force her to face the truth… thats too cruel

July 12, 2005

§A¤£¬O°¾¿E§r. at least§Ú»{¦P! Á¿±o¦n.

July 12, 2005

§Ú¬O¬Û«Hªº, §Ú¦³¥R¤À²z¥Ñ¥h½T»{¦³¤H¬O·|³o¼Ë°µ §Ú»{¬°¦pªG§A·R¤W¤F±i¬fªÛ, §A«ÜÃø¹ï¦Û¤v»¡§A¬Û«H§A¥i¥Htake care¨ì¦oªº¥Í¬¡? (ÁöµM¦o·íµM¤£»Ý­n¨k¤H¾i)

July 12, 2005

§Ú«H¦³³o¼Ëªº¤H ·R¤@­Ó¤H¤£¬O¦û¦³ ¦Û¤v¨S§â´¤¥i¥HÅý¹ï¤è©¯ºÖ ©ñ¤â¤£¤@©w¬O¿ù

July 12, 2005

©ÎªÌ¨º­Ó¨kªºÄ±±o¤kªº¿ð¦­·|¥Î³oºØÂǤf¥Ï¥L ¤£¦p¥Ñ¦Û¤v¥D°Ê¥ýÁ¿¨ä¹ê©¯ºÖ¬O¤@ºØ«Ü©â¶Hªº·Pı ¨è·N¸gÀ礣¨£±o´N¯à¯d±o¦í¹ï¤èªº¤ß ¤À¤â¥u¦³¤@­Ó²z¥Ñ:¤£·R!

§A´N¬O¤£©ú¥Õ… ¦ºÄñ¦³®É¥u·|¥O¹ï¤è§óµh­W. ¥L¤ñ§Ú²M·¡¥L®aªº¸gÀÙ©Mrules, ©M¦³¦h¤Ö¤H­n¾i. ¥L¬°§Ú¯uªº¨Æ§A¤@¦r¤£´£. §A¥u¬O·Q¥Î§Ú©M¨k¤Í­n­±¹ïªº°ÝÃD¨Ójustify §A·íªì¦º­n¯devaªº­É¤f! §Ú¦Ñ¹êÁ¿, ¬Ý¤F³o§Ú«Ü®ð! ·í®É¤H

July 12, 2005

Á`«Yı±o, ·R±¡¥@¬É¸Ì­±, ¨S¦³¯u¥¿ªº¹ï©Î¿ù! ÂI¦æÂI¨«ÂI©ñ¤â… ¨ä¹ê³Ì²×³£«Y¦UÅU¦U… ¨ä¹ê©ÎªÌ¤H³£«Y¦Û¨p!! ¦h¯dÂIªÅ¶¡¬J¥u«Y¤ñ¦Û¤v«£!!

July 13, 2005

¹ïµÛ¨º¥y»¡¸Ü §Ú¥u·|»¡¤@¥yÂǤf

July 13, 2005

¦pªG¥u¬O¬°±N¨Ó¦Ó¨«¦b¤@°_¡A§Ú¬Ý¤£¨ì¨â¤H¤§¶¡ªº·P±¡¦³¦h²`¡C¤S©ÎªÌ¡A¬Y¤@¤èªº·R¡AÅܽè¤F¡C ¤k¤H¤Ó¦b·Nª«½è¥Í¬¡ªº¸Ü¡A¨ä¹ê¬O¦o³Ì¥i´d¥i¼¦ªº¦a¤è¡C¦ý·P±¡¡A¤S°Z·|³o¼Ë®e©ö»¡±o²M¡C

July 13, 2005

¦ý½ÐOD ªB¤Í§O¯d¡u¦hd ¥ð®§,¤p¤ß¨­Åé¡v.¹ê¦b¤£§Æ±æ¨£¨ì³o¼Ë¯d¨¥ ¨Ï­ø¨ÏËݦê§r?©a¦y¸{´e!

July 13, 2005

You know what I think? I think you’re very selfish to use someone’s story, leaving out the important parts, to make yourself SOUND right. I think you’re being SO selfish to accuse someone you don’t know and lead everyone to accuse him because of your LACK of information?

July 13, 2005

I think you’re VERY cruel to the one you SAY you love/loved for putting her name here and accusing her of something you won’t accept because it is not something you like and leading everyone to accuse her too. People who do not agree with you aren’t wrong. They are not bad people. They have their opinions, their problems and their own views. They have THEIR OWN LIFE.

July 13, 2005

To conclude: Please stop trying to sound philosophical about love. True, when you love someone, you want to give them the best with what you have. But is it really the best for them to keep them somewhere they don’t want to stay? If you love someone, don’t try to change them into someone they aren’t. Don’t force your thoughts on them. Let them decide.

July 17, 2005

¨k¤H©O, ´N¬O³ßÅw©ñ±ó¤k¤Hªº°Êª«