Update much more often
I forgot I even started this, so to update, the friend issues from my first entry sort of cleared up, I let it drift without saying anything and it passed over. But when she left the city (permanently – she’s doing a MSc down south,) it was still a little frosty. Until we fell out I imagined some sort of grand fare-well. In reality I wasnt even there and just sent a text. Kind of sad.
My whole group of friends are like that just now. I had a sizeable falling out with one of them, and she’s kind of been cut off from everyone, cause we all just got tired of her antics. Someone else isnt speaking to another friend just cause she didnt phone him. Ive told him that she was in hospital and had lots of other issues but he doesnt seem to understand. Also sad.
Ive not spoken to another friend in the group cause he appears to have fallen off the face of the earth, leaving no trace.
But enough of my old friend woes, I have other things to write about.
Im still jobless but seeking employment, nothing too career-orientated, just something to pay the bills whilst I decide what I want to do. I am “borrowing” a friends log-on and password to type this cause I have been taken off the university system now Ive graduated. No more free high speed internet access for me. 🙁
Ive been looking into MSc courses to further my career. I thought I could get a random job until Ive saved the fees for entry onto a course in Autumn 2004.
Nothing much new to report, except I am penny-less until my stupid old boss actually bothers to send me a cheque.
I have suceeded in losing more than half a stone, but I am gonna continue to see how much weight I can lose.
Must update more often.
Hi. Good luck with the job hunting.
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