The world’s a stage

I feel like I’m being forced into acting out a certain socially accepted role in my life. I have to work, I have to live on my own, I have to dress in a certain way. I have to act in a certain way. Certain question require scripted answers. Most people get to know how to act automatically and just do it without thinking. I do not know these things and have to make an effort. I don’t want to. In order to get on in the world I feel that I am forced to get to know these unwritten conventions. Learn by heart the scripts that everyone just seems to know. Observe, copy, set aside the fact that I don’t care about what to wear. Follow conventions and do what others are doing. Buy a washing machine, do the ironing, ask how people are without waiting for an honest reply.

I bought new clothes.

I went to a movie. ‘Friends with benefits’. No complicated Shakespearean work, but a well executed romcom with Mila Kunis.

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