Stupid Roomate
I came back from Thanksgiving Break, and decided that things need to change. I’m not going to put up with the shit anymore. I will not keep my mouth closed and I will not be nice about it. I will say what I need to say. If you want to act like a child, then you will be treated like a child. If you want to stay locked up in your room all day and act like you don’t exist, don’t think that anyone is going to feel bad for you. Your mistakes are your own fault and it’s not anyone else’s job to fix them.
You know when you get accused of something you didn’t do, you start to think maybe you should just do it anyways because you’re getting punished for it either way? I feel like that with Mel. I actually think its amusing how much it bothers her that I’m in my room so much. She doesn’t want me out in the apartment. But it bothers her that I’m in my room. She can’t control me, so I annoy her. It really kind of annoys me. And she thinks I’m pretending not to exist? I don’t need to pretend that. I can make it real. I’m trying to stay out of her way and have fun in my own way. That is by playing WoW, writing on OD and watching TV. I need to relax, be alone, have my space. But evidently she thinks I’m pretending not to exist.
Anyways – I might be moving out. I need a roommate to move into an apartment here with me. My landlord is amazing. He’s willing, if I can find someone new to live with, to terminate the lease with Jenn, Mel and I. He will then write up two new leases – one for Jenn and Mel and one for me and Roommate X. So my only problem is to find Roommate X. There is someone who is transfering into Fredonia who was looking for someone to move into an apartment with her, but she might be willing to move here instead. I’m really hoping. That or I’m still on the hunt for a new roommate. At least I’ll be able to stay in these beautiful apartments, even if its not the same one excatly. This is like an early Christmas present if this girl says yes. So keep your fingers crossed and hopefully next semester will be so much better!
Hey, rock on! 🙂 See, if I were a girl and going to Fredonia, I’d totally roommate with you. Then we’d just be glued to WoW and talking through AIM instead of speaking across the room! *crosses fingers*
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