The things that concern us
Quick update – Dad and I talked over the financial problems and he’s gonna help me. Thats good. He also agreed to let me ise the money from my savings bonds to buy a computer. Yeah! So that is this huge weight off my shoulders.
I’ve been studying genetics and genetics diseases for psych and its making me think of a conversation I had with Manny the other day about me and having children. I like talking to him, cause we can talk hypothetically as if we were together or married and it doesn’t affect us. Anyway, we were talking about what it would be like if I was pregnant. it had to do with the impact of bipolarism and having kids. My two major concerns are giving them the disease or forcing them to grow up with a bipolar mother. These have always been my concerns with one day having kids. Manny’s biggest concern was how I would deal with being pregnant. A “normal” woman goes through crazy mood swings. Imagine somebody already crazy going through it. And most mood stabilizers can result in birth defects so I would most likely go off them completely. How nuts will that al lbe? But for me, the bigger concern is the possibility of passing it on to my children. Manny was more concerned with trying to deal with me at such a stage. Its interesting the things that concern us.
Have you seen the “Dawn of the Dead” remake? We’ll have to strap you down until you pop those kids out! That is complicated though. My two friends who are getting married have a set of complications that I can’t even fathom yet: he has epilepsy, she had brain cancer and was recently diagnosed with osteoperosis. The genetics of their child seems dauting… but I still wish them well. As I do you.
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