
Dear Diary,

I got a link from the PeaceWeavers from the Garden weekend I spent there during the Memorial Day Weekend.

Here are two pictures of work and play.

This is my little buddy that said, "I haven’t talked to you in like 10 years"….she’s 4.

My haircut is a tad short, but I like it.



We were constructing a fence for the snowpeas.  Lots of garden, lots of help.


It’s nice to have them as friends…

Speaking of friends….

What constitutes a good friend?  Just curious about your answers…



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June 1, 2008

a friend is someone who accepts me in spite of my faults, laughs with me and cries with me. someone i can call anytime i need them. someone who will listen when i need to talk and tell me when i’m wrong. someone with hugs when i need them. it’s good to have friends. take care,

An interesting question to ask…I think a friend is someone that understands. This means they get when you are busy, know when you are upset…you can trust them. I am thinking of how Art is a good friend.

A good friend is someone who will tell you the truth because they really love you.. they will laugh with you cry with you and listen to you over an over again until it’s time for you to grow.. they love you despite your flaws.. if you have more than one friend like this in your life time you are blessed.. and I am….BIG HUGS

June 1, 2008

I think a friend is someone who knows everything about you, but loves you anyway. I like the new haircut!!

A friend is somebody you can go to in a time of need and not be rejected. The highest form of friendship is a “sister” friend. This is a friend who knows EVERYTHING about you and does not judge. They can give opinions, but they will not condemn you no matter what. The most important aspect of a this type of friendship is: sex can NEVER enter into the friendship. That totally changes the dynamics of friendship to another level. Sex is easy to find… good friendships are unfortunately few and far between..

I have no idea. I think I know what a friend is, and then the friend that I have in mind changes the rules and I have to re-define it. Seems to me that there’s a lot of give and take, and one person shouldn’t be doing all the giving or taking. Love, caring, sharing, listening.