Survey says:……

Smoked A Cigarette: I smoked a bit as a teenager.  I gave up cigarettes when I had surgery at 19.  Doctor told me that it would likely cause problems in years to come.  I’m glad I listened to him.

Smoked A Cigar: Nope. I cannot stand the smell.

Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex: Not in a sexual way at least LOL

Drank Alcohol: OMG yes again as a teenager.  I do drink on occasion socially but not on a regular basis.

Are / Been In Love: I really don’t think so.

Been Dumped: Yes a few times.

Shoplifted: No, but I did go shopping with a girlfriend as a teenager and she got picked up for shop lifting.  I just couldn’t bring myself to steal anything.

Been Fired: Yes when I was a patsy for my boss who was stealing money from my drawer at a finance company.  They wanted to hire me back after he was caught but NO THANKS.

Been In A Fist Fight: No

Had A Crush On An Older Person: Yes, in college I had a crush on my college professor

Skipped School: Yes I did LOL,  and went to my boyfriends house.  I had a miserable time because all I thought of was getting caught. 

Slept With A Co-worker: No

Seen Someone / Something Die: Yes, I watched my brother die….was most horrible time of my life.

Had / Have A Crush On One Of Your Facebook Friends: No

Been To Paris: Nope

Been to London: Nope

Been to Rome: Nope.

Been To Spain: Nope, not very well traveled.

Been On A Plane: Yes

Thrown Up From Drinking: Oh yeah, not very much fun.  Kept me from drinking like that many times.

Eaten Sushi: Yes, I love sushi.

Been Snowboarding: nope

Met Someone BECAUSE Of Facebook: What is a Facebook?

Been in a Mosh Pit: No

Been In An Abusive Relationship: Yes I have. Lasted 6 months then I threw him out.

Taken Pain Killers: Yes, and I wished I had some when I was burned atop a mountain in Connecticut

Love/loved Someone Who You Can’t Have: Oh yes, silly me.

Laid On Your Back And Watched Cloud Shapes Go By: Yes, one of my favorite pass times.

Made A Snow Angel: Any time it snows…last time was in 2005

Had A Tea Party: No

Flown A Kite: Yes all the time when i was young

Built A Sand Castle: Yes but not recently

Gone mudding (offroading): Yes in my 20’s when I had a Honda 90 motor bike.

Played Dress Up: No but with dolls yes

Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves: All the time as a child

Gone Sledding: Yes and loved it

Cheated While Playing A Game: Uh huh

Been Lonely: Yes but getting better all the time

Fallen Asleep At Work / School: One time I put a cot in my closet at work and fell asleep and missed my class.  The principal came looking for meand when I returned from class the cot was gone LOL

Watched The Sun Set: While hiking once on top of Rattlesnake mountain.  It was so hot I couldn’t wait for the sun to go down so I went to the bald and watched it go down.  One of the most peaceful times and most beautiful times I have witnessed.  I will never forget that.

Felt An Earthquake: Yes. Scary things, earthquakes.

Been through a Hurricane: Yes, a number of them

Killed A Snake: No, but I’ve stepped on a few…..OMG.

Been Tickled: yes, but not in a long time

Been Robbed / Vandalized: Yes…now there’s a hurtful thing.

Been cheated on: Yes.

Been Misunderstood: Probably all the time.

Won A Contest: Yes a few

Been Suspended From School: No

Had Detention: Yes for starting an underground newspaper in high school. 

Been In A Car / Motorcycle Accident: Yes a few of them but none of them serious.

Had / Have Braces: No

Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night: Yes I have

Danced in the moonlight: By myself on the trail .

Hated The Way You Look: Yes especially when I get a bad haircut.

Witnessed A Crime: I don’t remember

Pole Danced: Nope

Questioned Your Heart: Oh yes,

Been obsessed with post-it-notes: Nope, sorry about that.

Squished Barefoot Through The Mud: Oh, yes. What fun.

Been Lost: Yes and once in the woods with my son.  It was scary but finally found our way back.

Been To The Opposite Side Of The World: nope

Swam In The Ocean: All the time in the summer.  I live a mile away.

Felt Like You Were Dying: yes a few times.  The time I most remember was having stage 4 lyme disease in 2004

Cried Yourself To Sleep: Yes…..

Played Cops And Robbers:No, never

Recently Colored With Crayons / Colored Pencils / Markers: I do it everyday LOL…art teacher

Sang Karaoke: Oh no!

Paid For A Meal With Only Coins: Yes when I worked in NYC as a young adult

Done Something You Told Yourself You Wouldn’t: I don’t think so

Made Prank Phone Calls: Is king Albert in the Can? Oh, innocence.

Laughed Until Some Kind Of Beverage Came Out Of Your Nose: Yes……lololol

Kissed In The Rain: Yes, my ex.

Written A Letter To Santa Claus: Yes and still do LOL

Watched The Sun Set/ sun rise With Someone You Care/Cared About: Don’t remember

Blown Bubbles: Yes

Made A Bonfire On The Beach or anywhere: My son and I made one at my old house.  We had fun that night roasting marshmallows

Crashed A Party: no

<span style="font-family: Arial Black;”> Have Traveled More Than 5 Days With A Car Full Of People: No.

Gone Roller-skating / Blading: A couple of times.

Had A Wish Come True: Oh yes.

Been Humped By A Monkey: I think I can skip that one.

Worn Pearls: Yes, but I don’t think they were real.

Jumped Off A Bridge: Nope

Screamed "Penis or Vagina”: nope lol

Swam With Dolphins: Nope but saw them swimming this past summer.

Got Your Tongue Stuck To A Pole/Freezer/ice Cube: No, but witnessed someone who did LOL

Kissed A Fish: ewwwwwwwwwww no way.

Worn The Opposite Sex’s Clothes: LOL the funniest time was being out of underwear and forgot I had them on.  I had a doctors appt and was humiliated when I had to take my clothes off except my underwear.  My ex husband got a real charge out of that one and so did my doctor. LOL

Sat On A Roof Top: Yes

Screamed At The Top Of Your Lungs: Yes, especially when I worked for Dr. Asshole

Done / Attempted A One-Handed Cartwheel: NONONONONO

Talked On The Phone For More Than 6 Hours: Years ago

Recently stayed up for a while talking to someone you care about: nope

Picked And Ate An Apple Right Off The Tree: Nope

Climbed A Tree: As a child I did it all the time. 

Had/Been In A Tree House: Yes. I wouldn’t mind living in one.

Been scared To Watch Scary Movies Alone: Yes, they do scare me.

Believed In Ghosts: Yes. Met a few too.

Have had More Than 30 Pairs Of Shoes: Nope.

Gone Streaking: No but if Cookiepuss does this survey, she could tell you a story of "sort of " streaking LOL

Visited Jail: As a customer and a visitor.

Played Chicken: Probably

Been Pushed into a pool with all your clothes on: Yes and I would love to do it to someone he he he

Been Told You’re Hot By A Complete Stranger: Yes, in my younger years.

Broken A Bone: Yes, broke my ankle in 8th grade.

Been Easily Amused: Still am.

Caught A Fish Then Ate It Later: Yes

Made A Porn Video/got asked to make one: Nope

Caught A Butterfly: Did I as a child? Yes, I used to collect them

Laughed So Hard You Cried: Yes, that does happen, you know.

Cried So Hard You Laughed: yes

Mooned/Flashed Someone: Nope

Had Someone Moon/Flash You: Not that I remember

Cheated On A Test: No, but got caught passing a cheat sheet

Forgotten Someone’s Name: I do it all the time lol

French Braided Someone’s Hair: Nope.

Gone Skinny Dipping: Yes, several times.  It’s so freeing.

Been Kicked Out Of Your House: No.

Tried to hurt yourself: Nope

Rode A Roller Coaster: Yes but not a rides person

Went Scuba-Diving/Snorkeling: Yes in the Atlantic ocean…..can’t see a thing

Had A Cavity: Yep

Black-Mailed Someone: No.

Been Black Mailed: No.

Been Used: and been aware of it?  Probably but I’m sure I have been used unaware of it.

Fell Going Up The Stairs: LOL yes

Licked A Cat: God no!

Bitten Someone: Not sure, maybe as a baby

Licked Someone: Yes.

Been shot at/or at gunpoint: No,thank god!

Had sex in the rain: Nope

Flattened someone’s tires: No.

Rode your car/truck until the petrol light came on: Nope

Got £5 or less worth of petrol: That’s pounds. It tells you where the survey came from. when gas was 35 cents a gallon LOL hahahahahaha

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This is a flun survey. I want to know when you were a “guest” in a jail! LOL!