Lifting for 6-13-11

    NRoL: Fat Loss I
    Week VII, Day B, Workout XVI
    Rest: 45 seconds between exercises

    Alternating Sets
    3×5 @ 135 lbs
    3×10 @ 185 lbs
    DB Incline Press:
    5 @ 30 lbs
    3×10 @ 40 lbs

    Alternating Sets
    Bulgarian Split Squat:
    10, 10, 9 @ 40 lbs (2×20 lb db’s)
    Wide-grip Lat Pull:
    10, 10, 8 @ 108 lbs

    Alternating Sets
    Romanian Deadlift:
    3×10 @ 145 lbs (+10 lbs)
    3x35s @ BW

    Metabolic Overdrive: (skipped)
    Low Intensity Steady State: 25 minutes on treadmill

    sleep: Stayed up late, slept in late.
    nutrition: Good, though I should have gotten to the gym earlier.
    mood: Not in the mood to lift.

My motivation’s gone right now. I’ll need to spend some time looking over Fat Loss II to get myself prepared mentally. I’ve been skipping workouts and I need to decide whether I genuinely need a little rest before thrusting myself forth into more hard workouts, or whether I just need to suck it up. After all, it’s hard to get motivated when you know you’re in for a grueling workout. The body starts to say, “Hey, hey, let’s sit down.”

On the upside, I’ve dropped below 160 lbs for the first time in ages. I want to get stronger, I want to get bigger, but goddamn it, bulking to fatness is just stupid.

On an unrelated note, I decided to find my old linear algebra book. That single goal causes me to clear out the entire floor of my closet, creating a mess that took me two and a half hours to process. I still have boxes of STUFF I need to sort through. However, as a result of this, I’ve massively cleaned my room. Seriously.

Of course, a lot of this stuff spilled into the empty room where my sister/mom used to reside. Just temporary, I swear. Next will be getting my suitcase out from the dead space between my dresser and TV. That goal will clear that area out. After that, I want to get rid of more clothes.

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You really have a lot of junk! Ryn: 😉 So do I! But not massively kinky. Subtle kinky.

Ryn: I know, I really hate drama and sometimes I get involved when I can’t help it. But I seriously can’t let myself be distracted by it for however long it takes for me to get back to studying reluctantly.

June 16, 2011

Jesus you weigh about 10 pounds less than I do! Are you short or am I just getting fat? I guess this is the most I’ve ever weighed, and my booty is getting bigger and bigger every day…. shit, why aren’t these pilates videos working! probably because I don’t do them often enough and I’m still eating fast food all the time. DAMN IT