Lifting for 1-26-11

    Starting Strength
    Week V, Day A, Workout XIII

    5 @ 45 lbs, 3 @ 135 lbs, 2 @ 185 lbs
    5, 3*, 5 @ 210 lbs

    Bench Press:
    5 @ 45 lbs, 4 @ 95 lbs, 2 @ 135 lbs
    5, 4, 4 @ 150 lbs

    5 @ 135 lbs, 3 @ 225 lbs, 1 @ 275 lbs
    2 @ 305 lbs (+10 lbs)

    Barbell Row
    3×5 @ 150 lbs

    difficulty: hard

So I checked the gym’s website around 11:30, for the heck of it. Saw a notice saying they’d be closing at 1PM. Said to myself, “Shit, I better eat breakfast and get my ass out of here!” Got to the weight area around 12:05. Finished around 12:55. Sped up my warm-ups, and obviously had to cut my rest periods closer than usual. I prefer taking my time, but I’d say today went okay.

Second set, I know exactly what I did wrong. I had too much forward lean. So when I was in the hole, I had zero leverage. Banged out the third set. I thought I’d nail 210 for full sets today, but I guess it’ll have to be Friday. I WILL get it.

Added a rep to bench. Second set felt hard on the last rep, so I asked for a spot for the third set. Didn’t need it, obviously, as the last rep was solid.

Didn’t feel as strong deadlifting, probably due to how I was rushing. I don’t know, I can tell during my warm-ups. My zen wasn’t there today. I got the double and felt like, “That is it.” No problem. Goal next time is triple or better.

Had to rush through the rows, but that’s one of the few things I COULD rush through.

Accidentally left my lights on, so I had to get a jump. The jumper cables I have in Clarissa Clutch, I’ve had since I used to drive my old 1988 Dodge Caravan. Served me well over the years. Since the gym was closing, I had a hunch campus would be closing, too. (I was right.) Time for subway, Star Wars, and Zelda.

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January 26, 2011

Who doesn’t eat vegetables?!

150 lbs? That’s like 47 kilograms. 10 kilos heavier than me. Dude, you could toss me with your pinky. Whoa.

Good lord, my head is spinning with all that Math. Ryn: I’m a Star Wars noob. Jedi is supposed to have powers, right? :/ Yes, I’m pretty clueless.

Also, small person? xD I’m the smallest person I know. Even Jenny is 2 inches taller than me. How tall are you? Please say 6 feet and I shall establish a crush on you. :O