Lifting for 12-15-10

Installed Kelly’s new power supply yesterday. Must say, modular PSUs are SO awesome. Cable clutter is just not there! No more unused cables just tucked away! This PSU also had a longer 12V line for the CPU, so I was able to snake it behind the motherboard and had it come up from above, rather than cutting lewdly across my video card. (My case is a bottom-mounted PSU.)

Also, the upgrade to 16 gigs of RAM totally increased my ePenis. It went from this big *indicates small size* to THIS big *indicates bigger size*. Oh yes. I also cleaned the dust filters. They’ve otherwise done a good job of not having too much dust inside the case.

Got to bed slightly later than I wanted last night, as I made a stupid error upon installing Sims2 and the five expansion packs I own. However, I woke up at a good time without an alarm. So, off to the gym I went.

    Day B, Week 2

    3×10 @ 195 lbs (+10 lbs)

    DB Shoulder Press
    10, 9, 8 @ 35 lbs

    Wide-grip Lat Pull
    10, 7, 5 @ 130 lbs

    30 minutes cardio

Will stay with RDL weight for a bit. Added reps to shoulder press. I should back off lat pulldown weight to 120 lbs again.

Cardio room was pretty packed, every treadmill was taken. So, I used an elliptical. I.. hate ellipticals. No matter.

Thinking a lot about what my next steps should be. I want to do an informal five-day split. In part because I’ve never done it before. And I’ve been thinking about giving Starting Strength a shot might be useful. The idea of squatting every single workout isn’t that appealing to me. But, in the long term, all I care is whether I make strength gains. If I make gains, I’ll suffer through a little discomfort.

Goal tonight is to put away all the clean clothes that have been dumped onto my bed for the past two days. Whoops. Also need to start wrapping the girl’s presents. And, of course, get to bed at a good hour. If I wake up at a good time, which I SHOULD, I may do a bonus workout in the morning.

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