Lifting for 12-13-10
Quarter of a tab of melatonin does the trick. In bed at 11 last night, woke up at 7 without an alarm. Sleep is good stuff, I should get more of it.
- Day A, Week 2
3×5 @ 175 lbs
BB Bench Press
3×5 @ 140 lbs
BB Bent-over Row
3×5 @ 140 lbs
25 minutes SS
I would have done more cardio if I had more time. No matter. I kept getting ab cramps. Or diaphragm cramps, whatever. As for the lifting, went just fine. I may bump my bench and rows five pounds, as I think that’s where I am naturally.
Guy asked me for a spot. I always feel pretty snazzy when someone asks little ol` me for a spot.
Already thinking about my next workout. I’m baaad. But, I know my goal for this cycle. I figure three months and I should see abs.