My brain confuse.

I came in last night and greeted Candi’s mom. I asked what’s new and excited, making chit-chat. She said she recently made cupcakes and they’re in the fridge if I want one. “Have one!” I think I said that I like cupcakes, but wasn’t in the mood at that particular time.

So Candi and I were in the middle of playing Rock Band this afternoon. Her dad knocks the door. He asks, “Are you going to eat those cupcakes?”

We reply, “Not right now?”

He says, “Oh, well if you’re not, I’m going to throw them out.”

..What? We’re confused. We ask why. He says that if we’re not going to eat them, he’ll throw them out. BUT WHY THROW THEM OUT?

The conversation continues a little bit sometime later. He says, and I quote, “If I don’t throw them out, I’ll eat them.” My brain kind of crashes at the thought of it.

As Candi would explain it to me, he tends to binge heavily, then not eat and exercise like crazy. Completely unhealthy and ABSOLUTELY RETARDED. No willpower. When Candi buys, say, a bag of chips, her parents will say, “But you’ll eat the entire bag!” No? We’re reasonable people, we can eat a little, then PUT THE BAG AWAY for a LATER TIME TO ENJOY! It’s called delayed gratification.

So basically, since Candi’s dad knows he has no willpower, he’d rather throw out perfectly fine cupcakes Candi’s mom made YESTERDAY?

Geebus, even my dad isn’t that retarded. I’m not even in the mood for cupcakes, as I’m trying to get SHREDDED but I HATE the idea of wasting food. So I offered to take them home to my mom. We’ll find a home for them there.

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LOL. I take junk food to work all the time so it’s not tempting me at home. (Vultures eat everything in minutes)Isn’t it better to know you have no willpower than pretend you do and fall prey to temptation. Dude. Wait til you’re old. mwah.

Yep, wait until you’re old. You’ll do stupid ass shit that makes no sense to anyone but yourself too. I am confused by only one thing in this entry, and it’s not the dad throwing out the cupcakes. It is the mom keeping the cupcakes in the fridge. Is it 110 degrees or something where you live?! I just keep mine in a covered container on the counter. I don’t think anyone has ever gotten foodpoisoning from cupcakes.

I’m proud of you. Some of us can’t do that. I can’t do it with some foods. Ice cream, cookies, are really no problem for me. Cheesy poufs or doritoes; I can’t stop til the bag is gone. Thus, I buy a single serving bag every six months.

April 20, 2009

lol, my roommate does the same thing when i bring bad food into the house. if possible, i have to keep it in my room, hidden. and if it has to be refridgerated, then it has to be eaten the day i buy it. so any pizza, any leftovers, anything like that cannot be in her line of view.

April 20, 2009

haha crazy

I see what you’re getting at, but some people just have no will power at all. Frustrating and sad, not to mention wasteful… but I understand it. If there is a bag of peanut m & m’s in the house my senses can find it in fifteen seconds flat. 😉 Sounds to me like he may even have an eating disorder, which is very scary.

April 21, 2009

I don’t know if it’s that simple. Food is a powerful motivator for plenty of people, and it’s not just about “willpower”. Food addiction is a well-documented concern, especially with regard to foods high in sugar and low in nutritional value, such as those cupcakes.

…yeah…. That’s depressing.