Exerbabble for 3-26-7
I neglected to bring a wife-beater with me. Most days I feel like I’m forgetting something. Today, I didn’t. Hence why I forgot something. Go figure. I just worked out in the shirt I was wearing. It made me feel bigger, for some reason.
Today’s workout:
- Quest for 315: Phase II, Day A1, Workout I
RDL: 3×5 @ 225 lbs
Alternating Sets:
One-Arm DB Shoulder Press: 10×3 @ 40 lbs
Wide-Grip Pull-up: 10×1 @ BW
Assisted Glute-Ham Raises: 2×5 @ BW
current bodyweight: 160.2 lbs (-1.6 lbs; weekly average of 160.6)
I want to focus my energy on squats, so there’s no point in having too much RDL volume. Keep it heavy, and keep it intense, that’s what matters.
I went with Waterbury’s typical recommendation of using your 5RM as your load for 10×3. After the fourth or fifth set, I kept wondering if I’d miss the third rep at some point. I was doing my left arm first, and it progressively began to struggle more and more. My tempo was probably around (1111). Pause at the bottom, control the concentric, pause at the top, and control the eccentric back to the shoulder.
It amused me how I was power cleaning the weight up to my shoulder from the ground. Since I was doing it unilaterally, I only needed one dumbbell. Most pictures I see of one-armed DB shoulder presses have the person holding into something for stability. I decided to just stand and let myself be as stable as possible. I’ll stabilize myself, damn it!
Doing singles of pull-ups may seem silly, but I was effectively using my 2RM, as I could only do two wide-grip pull-ups. I’d release my feet, explode up, and try to hold the top position for as long a possible, and control the descent. Naturally, as the sets wore on, I wasn’t hanging up top for too long. I just wanted to make the most of the one rep.
I did them as alternating sets, resting around 30 seconds between the presses and the pull-ups, and 60 seconds after the pull-up. As such, I was done relatively quickly. So I dicked around with trying to figure out glute-ham raises. First, to get the distance right, that took a few minutes. I obviously couldn’t do a real glute-ham raise, so I pushed off the floor and contracted my hamstrings as hard as I could at the top. Might take a bit to get the mind-muscle connection down. I do pretty odd things, and I know nobody does glute-ham raises, so I’d assume people thought I was up to my usual tricks.
Adjustments: I’m going to be running an A/B split, while rotating two rep ranges for each day, so I won’t see this workout again until next Wednesday. With that in mind, I’ll add a rep to all sets of presses and pull-ups, and increase RDL’s to 235 lbs. We’ll see if this works.