Exerbabble for 3-2-7

I had a dream last night that I went to Barnes and Noble to look for New Rules of Lifting. There were a whole bunch of them intermingled with Book of Muscle. What’s scary is that the NROL cover had the actual cover to it, as I’ve seen it on Amazon before.

Why can’t I dream of naked females with large posteriors? Sigh.

Today’s Workout:

    Quest for 315: Phase I, Upper Day, Workout XIII

    Superset A
    Chins: 10, 6, 4, 3, 2, 2 @ BW
    Dips: 10, 7, 6, 4, 4, 2 @ BW

    Superset B
    DB Shoulder Press: 3 @ 15 lbs; 4×4 @ 40 lbs (+1 rep)
    One-Armed DB Row: 3 @ 20 lbs; 4×3 @ 55 lbs

    Superset C
    Neutral-Grip Face Pull: 12, 11, 10 @ 90 lbs (+10 lbs)
    DB Press to Raise: 3×6 @ 20 lbs

    current bodyweight: 162.6 lbs (+.2 lbs; weekly average of 162.15 lbs)

I’ve noticed that every time I get one more rep on the initial set of chins, there’s a drop-off on the rest of the sets. Relatively speaking. I’m going to cap the first set at 10 (woohoo!) and see if I can get that second set stronger.

There were a pair of girls doing chin-ups. It was towards the end of my sets, and I heard her partner counting out five or six reps. She finished and I said to them, “You’re doing more chins than me!” Her partner said, “You should see her do dips.” I’ll always be reminded of how I randomly knocked out 11 chin-ups in High School – weighing 125 lbs. If I dropped 35 pounds and kept all my muscle, I’d do far more than ten chins. Though, I’m not even sure if I COULD lose 35 pounds. Conservatively, if my bodyfat is 15%, if I went down to 0% bodyfat, I’d weigh around 137 lbs. Hrm, math is fun.

Shoulder presses are being magical. And I can not understand why my right arm is feeling weaker during rows. Maybe I use it more during chin-ups, who knows. It didn’t feel weird at all today. For the sake of warm-up, I’ve been doing some quick external rotations with a 5 lb plate prior to chins.

I’m really loving face pulls.

Adjustments: New month. I want to hit 165 lbs by the end of the month. I want to see if I can do 10/8/6 for my first three sets of chins. Soon.

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