Morning of 2-21-7
Had another dream last night where I was around my old house. The typical “Uh, we don’t live here anymore” dream. I wasn’t lucid at all, but I could do my usual flying, going invisible, and going-through-walls stuff. Who else can just decide, “I’m going to fly up there!” in their dreams? I taught myself how to do it when I was younger, and now it’s just part of my abilities. Being invisible is easy. You just decide, “You don’t see me!” And in a dream, if you think it, it happens. Ha ha.
I was really tired by the time I got to bed last night. I don’t know what I would have done without that hour nap in the middle of the day. I got in my scheduled wank, which was surprisingly spectacular. Yes, I scheduled a wank. Sometimes, we’re too busy for ourselves. Always make time for me! If I don’t take care of my penis, who will?
I think I’m finally in my groove, as far as schoolwork goes. It usually takes me about a month to actually start caring?
I’m taking a public speaking class. Our speeches are due today. We all have to be ready, but if I remember from the numbers we drew, I’m not due up today unless a lot of people are unprepared. My basic attitude is to spank it. :: hefts his nutsac ::
(I hate public speaking, tweaks me out.)
I have one test on Thursday. I’ll have my first A&P II test next week – I’ll start studying after class on Thursday. I know my strategy from last semester. First, go through all the material and make sure I understand everything. Second, break it all into notecards. Third, shove all the notecards into my brain. I have a spanish exam in two weeks. I’ll probably have another Kinesiology quiz on Monday, and I feel like we’re due for an exam soon.
It’s so retarded, I work better under pressure. If there’s no pressure, I stop caring.
Oh, something random. I’ve noticed a correlation between lotioning my hands as I’m laying in bed, and falling asleep steadfast. I have no idea why.
(Wow, did you know you only need your left hand to type ‘steadfast’?)
I went to bed at 11:30 PM last night, and set my alarm for 9 AM, to avoid oversleeping. When did I get up? 7:30 AM. I swear, if I’m not short on sleep, I’ll sleep 8 hours. Though, I had a MASSIVE morning pee. I counted well over 30 seconds. My morning #2 is due soon.
:: yawns ::
I’m horny. Maybe later today, maybe not.
I also had a dream that involved hearing Hanson’s “Believe”. Last track on “Underneath”. My brain is so random. Why can’t I dream of penetrating females with supple rumps? Sigh.
:: burps ::
Might as well enjoy the morning hours before I start hauling ass.
I hate public speaking too. Guh. My speech tends to speed way too fast, or I get stuck stumbling over words and drag a sentence or 5. Who says you need public speaking as a skill?? Only politicians do it for real. Heh. *mock types ‘steadfast’* Hey, you’re right! I like words that you can type with only one hand.
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Public speaking is the worst.
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ryn: Naw. I dont thank god for dickings
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