Exerbabble for 2-10-7

Today’s Workout:

    Quest for 315: Phase I, Upper Day, Workout III

    Superset A
    Chins: 7, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2 @ BW (volume=4622.6 lbs)
    Dips: 10, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1 @ BW (volume=5897.8 lbs)

    current bodyweight: 159.4 lbs (+.8 lb; weekly average of 159.1 lbs)

I thought I’d just pound out the basics, because I wasn’t making any pull-up progress with just three sets. Sigh.

Okay. I had to stop after my chins`n`dips because I felt something odd in my shoulders when I did any movement. I was still sore from Wednesday, but I had three nights of sleep, and two full days of good eating. I thought I would have recovered. My performance will rebound.

Anyway. I think what did it was I accidentally hit failure on that last dip. Normally I jump up, hold my lockout for a second, and lower myself down slowly. I jumped out, and kind of came back down? I didn’t feel anything odd. I cursed internally and said, “Get back up.” This is partly why I’m choosing dips over bench. If you fuck up that last set of presses, you got a bar on your chest. Dips, you can will yourself into one more rep.

I was warming up for push presses, and my shoulders felt odd. I did some light overhead presses with dumbbells to see how it felt. I didn’t like it. I thought I’d just do my rows, but that didn’t feel right, either. So I stopped the workout.

It pisses me off, more than anything else. I thought what I needed was a swift kick in the ass, just pound out the basics. Nothing too fancy. Maybe will myself a little bit, have some determination. Like that how I got three reps on that sixth set of chins, after getting two on the previous. That was all will. My upper body is weak. I want to show everybody that if you open your mouth at me, I’m going to shove my hairy nutsac in it. Never mess with a man with an inferiority complex.

I was going to do my lower tomorrow, and then lift again Tuesday/Wednesday, and Friday/Saturday, so I can get back to MondayTuesday and FridaySaturday. Instead, I think I’ll push my lower until Monday, and then wait until Friday/Saturday to do my upper again. Amusingly, my lower body was barely sore yesterday. Go figure.

I could lower it to 8 sets. Maybe it’s overkill, I don’t know. Doing more pull-ups is more of an endurance feat than a strength feat, so adding weight isn’t useful right now. Right now, at least.

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ryn: The other day he burped, and I burped in response. It was a sweet moment. lol Pullups? First of all… where. Second of all… No.

ryn: I show my might in my lower body *sticks out tongue* And no, that actully wasn’t meant to be sexual

yeah, I know its a seperate game, but I *heart* all things Sim. Its a horrible addiction. Think there is a 12 step program out there for it? lol And no, not so much that no one has been good enough, But I just like penetration more. Its been so long since I have had some one lick me I am not even sure anymore what I didn’t really enjoy… well, take that back, I DID enjoy it, but I would rather have a dick inside me. But yeah. 3 years is FAR too long to go without any of that stuff.

this reminds me… any ideas on how to avoid being so freaking sore the next day, after working out, that is. The past three days my arms have been so sore I could barely brush my hair out of my face. It sucks! I have been cursing the trainer I worked with ever since. I am so horribley out of shape, its almost embarrassing.

I wouldn’t doubt that you have skills. 🙂 I would love to be reminded how much I enjoy a good licking. 😉