Afternoon of 1-17-7

Note to self. Me tired. Pretend we’re going to bed stupidly early. We know we’ll end up just going to bed later anyway, so at least if we try to GOTO bed early, it’ll average out.

Let’s see. Classes seem okay, though I suspect we’ll have our work cut out for us. Go move van from Lot 3 to Lot 7 after 4 PM. Grab food from glove compartment. Eat food. Digest food. Bad to eat food and not digest it, makes you bulemic. Buy books. We need only three books for class, already have the other two.

Things for tomorrow: Go over yesterday’s A&P lecture, do assessment for wellness. Maybe masturbate. Masturbation makes sleep easier. Yay. Stay late, do work. But finish around 7 PM so we can get in some Dragon Quest VIII time. Eat some chili. That’s some good stuff. Yeah. Wank. Definitely wank. OH. Down some water. Water makes me pee. I like peeing. Hopefully poop again. Not feel bloated like yesterday, weight should drop tomorrow. Fiber make the fun go happy.

Food, study, study, home, food, game, water, pee, food, make food for tomorrow, wank, poop, upwardly tuggify, teeth, sleep. Mmm. Sleeping nakie in my own bed. :: purrs ::

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ryn- wow thanks…that’s quite a nut knot

Sounds like you have everything all planned out. Just hope no one walks in on you during your steamy “wank” session. 😀

January 17, 2007

plans are good.

Sounds like a good day.

January 17, 2007

it’s good to have goals

January 17, 2007

If you work hard, all your dreams will come true:)

January 17, 2007

I had esp, I knew the last line would include wank.