Afternoon of 1-16-7

Ah. Here I am again. Kind of sad how routine it is, even though I’m still checking room numbers. Winter break was awesome to me. Food, friends, video games, and pussylicking; what else does a boy need? (I like inventing ways to use semicolons, because I still don’t know how to use them. I consider punctuation just a way to format your text. Kind of the same way how I invent words on the spot.) Three weeks was just right. I bet if I had another week, I would have gotten bored. I like going out to eat when it feels like a special occasion, “Wow, I haven’t been here in a while.” I intend to live in a cheap and healthy fashion until May. You can’t eat a loaf and a half of Macaroni Grill bread on a regular basis. Mmm.

“You know, a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil is 100 calories.”

:: then proceeds to liberally slather bread in oil prior to consumption ::

Ha ha. The entire reason I’m a tight-ass is so I enjoy when I let my ass be a little looser. Hrm. I wonder if the phrase, “loose-ass” would catch on, as a descriptor for someone who lives without restraint. (With or without posterior penetration, of course.)

It was nice lifting early in the morning again. One guy asked where I’ve been. I don’t talk to people, they talk to me. I don’t mind until they start asking what I’m doing at school.

First class this morning was A&P II. The prof reminds me of a somber, confident Mr. Brady, if Mr. Brady could have a really dry sense of humor. Well, I don’t know about dry. I never knew what a ‘dry’ sense of humor meant, anyway. He respects the fact that the material is boring.

Prof Crabbe: “As we know, females have ovaries, and females have testes.”

Class: “…You mean males.”

Prof: “Just checking.”

I noticed something very quickly: His voice is deeper than Dr. Frank’s. I don’t know whether it’s true at all, but I have an easier time listening to people with higher-pitched voices. Crabbe’s voice is low enough where I have problems understanding what he’s saying. You konw, brain tuning out. Almost like my brain identifying his voice as a background distraction. I’ll have to stay on the ball in that class, because most of the learning I did in A&P I was outside of class.

I had Personal Health and Wellness after that, which I was banking on being a more relaxed class. The same chick who taught me intro to exercise science class is teaching that class. Which is good. She’s pretty relaxed. Plus, I owe her. She passed me last semester when I should have gotten an F. Thankfully, the projects in this class should be things I can spank. We’re supposed to pick one thing about our lives and attempt to change it. And keep a log while doing it.

Asking me to write is like asking me to masturbate. I’m going to get around to it eventually whether you ask me to or not.

We also have to do a powerpoint. I actually have never dealt with powerpoint, because .. Well, I’m anal-retentive and hate powerpoint. I’m banking on being able to pick a topic I can be silly about. You know, have some facts, then just start amusing myself. We’ll see. I hate public speaking.

I have spanish at 6:30. I should finish some food and uh. Maybe I’ll take a nap in the library. Ha ha. There’s always a second sudoku. I made a mental note to go over the vocabulary for the next chapter, as this will be a double-period.

Log in to write a note

i was about to check myself for balls. that really would have messed me up because i am always grabbing my nonexistant left nut.

January 16, 2007

macaroni grill undoubtedly has some of the best bread in the world of restuarant bread. “asking me to write is like asking me to masturbate. i’m going to get around to it eventually whether ou ask me or not.” hahahahahahahahahaha loved that. i love powerpoint.

January 16, 2007

i’ve been working on a powerpoint of the expectations in my life….where i see myself after grad school and what not. i might be a little geeky.

January 16, 2007

Definition 21 of the adjective “dry” – expressed in a straight-faced, matter-of-fact way: dry humor. Never fully understood that one myself, it turns out. Does that mean “wet” humor would be jokes told in an overzealous, cartoonish fashion? Possibly followed by wacky dances and the playing of a banjo? That’d be sweet.

*thinks* What the hell IS a dry sense of humor? I always think of Ben Stein when that phrase comes to mind. Powerpoint’s a cakewalk. Seriously. Sudoku…can you do those online? Or do you carry a little book around with ya?

*read’s Dwarf’s note* Ah! I understand now. *laughs*

RYN: *sigh* I wish you hadn’t reminded me. We didn’t revisit cunnilingus this weekend at all, even though I gave him a sweet blowjob. I dunno what it is, I have all these plans for what I want to do sexually with him, and then when we get together it never happens like I want it to. And I feel like it would never happen like I want it to unless I directly bark “EAT MY PUSSY! NOW!” He doesn’t just go there voluntarily. I want him to want to eat it, I don’t wanna hafta tell him. This is dumb.

I was going to ask who was fortunate enough to get the licking. But never mind. None of my business! lol I am so nosey! I love powerpoint. I could play with it all day.

You know what, I still think it’s a knee issue. 🙁 Poor guy. He was on top for like 5 minutes one time, and then had to get off his knees.

Are you still communicating with her at all? Honestly, Tim, I hope she has better things to do than check up on you online constantly.

British comedy is generally described as being very dry, even when it’s extremely silly. I think most of it has to do with the fact that it’s usually delivered in a way that requires you to pay attention or risk not getting it. It’s also, oftentimes, rather cutting.

January 16, 2007

A semicolon connects two related clauses; both halves of the sentence must be complete.That probably isn’t actually a correct usage, but those are the correct rules. As far as I understand.I’ve used powerpoint… twice in the last year, I think. And we had partners for both times, and I made sure I was with someone who knew what they were doing. Powerpoint is outside my area of knowledge.

January 16, 2007

If you have two sentences that are talking about the same thing, you can put them together; you don’t have to use a period, because… well, because grammar says you don’t.This is what my Comp I class has taught me, at least.

How old are you?

C’mon, please? I’m curious, lasso.

if you can use word, you can use powerpt.

Timmy, you turd! lol I’d say…22?

You’re my age, Timmy Wimmy.

January 16, 2007

Maybe you could write about masturbation and change your habits…go lefty instead of righty.

I don’t want you to penetrate me. Your hair isn’t long enough to suit my taste.

Hairy balls are the best. Just full of flavor and so delightfully tangy. If they are bald I just juggle them in my hand like dice and roll my eyes.

January 16, 2007

great weblink Timmeh.

January 16, 2007

I equate female chest hair (other than the fine downy body hair that all women have) with long ear or nose hair. Keep it contained!

January 16, 2007

Like thick, dark obvious hair or wispies? Wispies are okay…but if I can equate it to man chest hair, I’d get out the tweezers. This is along the lines of a woman with a mustache.

January 17, 2007

someone who has dry humor often makes witty or amusing remarks as though they’re just simply part of the conversation. they offer no expression to show that they are joking. my humor can be quite dry at times. *nods* as for that example “just checking”… yea, that’s probably a pretty good example of dry humor

January 17, 2007

ryn: lol im sure you do 😉 It was fun being a fairy though =) haha xox