Evening of 12-10-6
Kind of shut down today. Hasn’t happened in a while. Rather ironic, if you ask me. But I won’t get caught up in dates.
Forget today. Let’s talk the rest of the week. I seem to do good week-to-week. I managed to do nothing Friday or Saturday towards that paper I need to start. One research paper due Thursday. I have no class again Monday, so. It’s up to me to get up early Monday and make the most out of it. I have class all Tuesday, as usual. And I don’t want to leave everything for Wednesday, or it simply won’t get done. Plus I have my A&P Lab Final on Thursday as well. I don’t do well doing two things at once. I don’t know how I’m going to pull this off, if I pull it off at all.
There’s only one way, and that’s through. I know how many hours there are in a day.
I’m worried about winter break. Last year’s winter break was so UTTERLY DEPRESSING. And last summer break? MOST DEPRESSING SUMMER EVER. I don’t do well when school lets out. I shut down. I sit in place and stare into space most of the day. I forget to eat. I get wrapped up in the fact that I’m dreadfully bored and have absolutely nothing to do.
I’m already worrying in advance over getting a job this summer. I don’t want to repeat last summer. Ugh, I remember how shitty I felt all June, when I just failed to act at all. I don’t want that to happen. I want to get on top of myself and do whatever it is I need to do BEFORE then. But even writing about it, gah, I just want to hide in a hole. I’m so terrified of applying for jobs.
After much thought, once again reckoned my fellatio woes will be solved by open communication. I know this. A formal heads-up, as well as helping a girl out once she’s trying. And calming down. Damnit. I really shouldn’t worry when I won’t be intimate with a lady for a LONG time. Must be a giver’s plight. Eh, I know I’m not the only one who worries needlessly.
I had a new creation this morning. Gotta love The Internets. One apple, one orange, two carrots. Shitload of vitamin C, and more beta carotene than I normally get. Accent with a little water or orange jews so it mixes completely, and it’s a nice mush. As you know, I’m extremely lazy when it comes to food, so any way I can make myself eat is good. With all the dairy I eat, a sudden intake of fruit and veggies made my body go “YAY!”
I still have some rice and beans to eat. I was too lazy to make meat? Something like that. I’m kind of jittery without meat!
I thought doing some self-analysis over break, some really organized digging, would be a stretch and needless. But it’s clear I have to stay on top of myself. Hanson strangely fits the somber mood. I should try to make myself sleep soon. Now might suck, but there’s always another day. Never give up. Never, ever give up. I should look forward to my workout tomorrow and take it from there, I always feel better after I lift.
I’m determined to stick to my resolutions next year, and you’re my inspiration. Thank you.
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I’ve always had the same problem during breaks from school. I have always gotten depressed and hermitic. It’s not quite the same now when I have a child around to keep me company and demand my time though. Good luck with your finals and papers. 🙂
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I was once with a guy who swore he had never gotten off from a blowjob. I tried my hardest to change that, but after 45 minutes of jawbreaking deepthroat, I gave up.
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I don’t know if that’s an insult, but. . you know me. I can’t help but take it as such until you clarify a little more on the meaning of that.
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Well, so far I’ve been fairly lucky on getting guys off with my mouth. *shrug* And hands…and bewbies… Why so depressed on your breaks? I LIVED for my breaks from school. FREEDOM, baby!
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inactivity is depressing. yes – lift – lifting it good = ) RYN: lol top is fun, bottom is fun – I never like to limit myself – it’s more interesting to be adventerous ; )
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You know, I’m originally from the Garden State and it’s where I spend my winter break. Just throwing that out there, in case the boredom overwhelms you.
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you know what I dig? Kichari. It’s a complete meal, and you can even de-starchify the rice to make it less carb-y if you’re one of those carb-watching folks. I eat Kichari because it’s good fuel for the body and you can add new veggies all the time. what is your fellatio problem? Not getting enough? Unable to reach organism? buck-toothed scrapey ladies??
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can you take a j-term, or even summer term courses? it may help?
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looking for jobs is even scarier when you have to look for a “good job” after you graduate from college lol. i’ve been living where i live for 7 months now and i haven’t found a job yet b/c i was so scared and depressed about my life change…but now i’m desperate for $ and i’ll have to go to like, target to try and get a job 🙁 *sigh*
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wasn’t planning on =] don’t agree with generalisations much either myself, but gotta admit they were sweet to read anyways, ha yesh and liking the humans beans very much lol xx
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