OCD Over TP.

Despite having a relatively messy room, it’s clear I’m rather OCD about my toilet paper. Upon noticing the above, I thought, “Hrm, almost out of TP.” My parents put in maybe three more, which had me scratching my head. Where is the rest? Of course, since it’s TP, I just assume go buy more. It’s TP. You’re going to use it unless you’re incapable of pooping. I’m a lifelong pooper and would be terribly disappointed if I ever stopped, so I’m definitely going to be seeing a lot of TP in my lifetime.

So when my dad and I went to our warehouse today, I bought one of those giant uberpackages of TP. After which I was told that there was TP in the garage. So, I took that TP, and stocked it under my sink. Then I took the new TP and stocked it. This is my result:

Now that is how much TP I want under my sink! You can be sure that if you #2 on my toilet, you will not find yourself on the last roll. That’s probably over 50 rolls of TP in there, deep all the way to the wall behind. I made sure that I put the older TP in front, as I’m used to rotating stock when I do things like this. I also made sure my older soap (Zest) is used first.

My Wall of TP™ is such a beautiful sight. My anus giggles contently.

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random noter: ha ha! thats funny! i hate it when you’re at a friends house and theres no TP to be found…pretty much ruins everything (plus you feel like an idiot screamin “wheres the TP!?”) ha ha your entry made me laugh!

Well. I’m ever so relieved that you have a lot of TP. For your bunghole. *giggles*

Back home in NYC we stack toilet paper up to the ceiling in the upstairs bathroom. It is an awesome sight to behold. I love Scott 🙂

December 2, 2006

I love having a wall of TP. you can never be too safe, really.

I like to horde my TP too. Damn… we went to Costco last night and I forgot the TP.

“Zestfully clean! Zestfully clean! You’re not fully clean unless you’re Zestfully clean!” My kids just tried to flush the empty roll down the toilet instead of throwing it out.

December 2, 2006

tp is fantastic :]

My anus giggles contently That wins an award for one of the funniest lines I have read all year!

December 2, 2006

Today I was down to just the little bits of TP that get stuck to the roll when it’s almost gone – now I see where all the universe’s TP has gotten to. You glutton!

Heh. . . Timmy. . . I Swear You Are Just As OCD As I Am About TP! I Have A Bathroom Sink And A Closet FullAs We Speak!

December 2, 2006

RYN: I’m not lumping you all together, I promise. It’s just that males in general confuse me, haha. This is just the most recent example of such confusion.

hehe. I am actually down to the last roll in my bathroom. Guess I need to go stock up. But not with Scott. I don’t like it. Not soft enough for me. I like the Kleenex brand better. 🙂 I have a very sensitive butt. lol

December 2, 2006

ryn: You’re telling me! ;_;

December 2, 2006

You definitely could, they’re very pretty. Much more so than your average cocky dildo.

December 2, 2006

Aquafresh gives me godawful morning breath.

December 2, 2006

Goodness, they are so pretty, all that color. I wish the real thing was so beautiful (no offense intended). The one I had was sleek and streamlined – looked delicate, but it had some real heft to it that I enjoyed quite a bit. Sadly I didn’t get to do much playing before he bit the dust. 🙁 Ah well, next time. Maybe with one of those special DP models.

December 2, 2006

i use charmin ultra. *smiles* i have 38 rolls of TP at school, not including the roll on the dispenser 🙂 are you OCD about which way it dispenses too (over!! not under!!!)

December 2, 2006

That is a lot of toilet paper for a guy!

December 3, 2006

We use Scott too, because all that super soft stuff seems to crumble apart when you’re using it, leading to some rather unpleasant messes. Scott has always been really reliable for us all. Of course, I can’t say that we’ve got quite that much of it . . .

December 3, 2006

we have a little kitchenette in the break room at work, and everyone always makes the paper towels dispense under. i always fix them.

December 3, 2006

It’s called Scott. Scott! I guess that gives the nice masculine feel to wiping my arse. Or not. And the 1000 bit, What does that mean? 1000 strands of sh*te per cm sqaured?

December 3, 2006

Aw, birthmarks are pretty cute!

December 3, 2006

I don’t know about that, sir – it smacks of a pick-up! But, all right, I’ll bite. 🙂

December 3, 2006

OK, you win – that is pretty cute. They’re like penis freckles! Awww!

You are truly a FREAK. LoVe,

ryn: I love Jersey for that reason. You can just chillax

ryn: is it? it’s worked for some people in the past… i think??!! hmm

December 3, 2006

random! I was the same way with TP until my sink had a leak and I lost all my TP! which sucked!

December 3, 2006

Hey – if you’ve got it, flaunt it, right? 🙂 I sympathize, though. I’m the same way about my breasts, or at least my cleavage. I love them and I feel like everyone else should feel the same! (Only losers don’t.)

December 3, 2006

its good to be prepared

December 3, 2006

TP is a good medium for writing a story about some one U hate>The U put it down your sytem all scrunched up wet and smelly to show how you realy feel about them.Press the buttom and the memories are gone

I hope The Great Cornholio doesn’t see this. He’ll be comming for you like a rabid spider monkey.

FIFO (first in, first out). Rotating stock. I do the same with my TP. :p