Exerbabble for 5-21-6
I love working out. Have I mentioned this? Yeah, we know this.
Today’s workout:
- Upright row: 3×8 @ 65 lbs
Front Squat: 4×6 @ 105 lbs
Good Morning: 3×8 @ 85 lbs
Bent-over Row: 3×8 @ 95 lbs
Seated Calf Raise: 3×8 @ +70 lbs
ATG Squat: 20 @ 95 lbs
current bodyweight: 147.4 (-.4 lbs; weekly average of 147 lbs)
I was going to start with a flat bench press. I warmed-up with the bar, put 105 lbs on. I got under and during lockout, my left shoulder left a little funny. So rather than bother lifting the weight I said, “You know, I think I’ll skip this today!” Common sense.
So, I camped in my favorite squat rack. Guy on the opposite side of me was doing cleans. I later saw a guy outside the squat cage doing cleans. Awesome. While I was doing upright rows, I saw three little kids walk in. Well. Not little. And maybe not kids. You know, teenage boys. Guess what they did. Decline press, flat bench press, incline press. Now guess what they did after I cleared out of the squat rack. Wait for it. Yup, curls. Curls in the squat rack. I love making fun of people who do that.
Though, I try to leave my mental chiding tongue-in-cheek. They’re just kids, and they’re not there often. What else do they know how to do? They can bench more than me, but fat chance they have the flexibility to do a bent-over row.
I’ll state this once: ATG stands for “ass-to-grass”. As in, near-full depth or full depth. Why twenty-rep squats? Simple. To put some mass on my ass. I do have a rather fine posterior. It’ll be even finer if it gets bigger. Oh yes.
I give my legs a good workout, but I never go for endurance. Not wanting to use all my energy at once, I’ll be doing them at the end of my workout. After ten, that’s when mental endurance kicks in. I got to fifteen and paused for a moment, letting myself get some air. Two more. Air. Two more. Air. One more, and that was twenty. I’ll do 100 next time.
Something else. During both squats, my left leg felt a little.. weak? It’s either my hamstring or my glutes, I can’t tell for sure. I didn’t feel like it was going to give out, but I had to move a little slower and maintain form so I didn’t get that jelly-feeling. Me thinks I need two days off. *smiles* I’ll be changing my set/rep for squats, but I’ll be adding more weight to my Romanian Deadlift. My recooperative abilities have increased, but I still need two days now and then.
By the way, I feel tired! Must stay awake so I can sleep tonight.
Isn’t 20 reps kind of high to build mass? That’s more likely to build endurance, no? Am I the only who ever comments on this kind of stuff here?
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