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May 11, 2006

Summer courses?

May 11, 2006

That question is constant…does it really make a difference now that the semester is over?

May 11, 2006

relax? 🙂

May 11, 2006

write a novel? save school children from a burning building? find batboy?

summer job? It’s what I’m going to do.. And relax, and lot’s of video games? and lots of gym? *hugs* R.

May 11, 2006

The answer is simple, dear Timmy. You come to northeastern PA and rescue me from the clutches of my evil mother, and we have a summer of fun 🙂

I hate you college people. Have it easy I tells yah. Easy.

Um… tell us who won the date a timmy contest? 😉 Rose

May 11, 2006

You could peruse your contest entries.

May 11, 2006

Streak in the middle of the nearest big city. m/ rock on Dragonforce! Adios

May 11, 2006

I hate not knowing what I’m going to do with my time! You’ll find something to keep your mind entertained, I’m sure. ryn: Yeah, but it took me a long time to find someone I could honestly say those things about. You just wait. The perfect person will come along and you’ll sweep her off her feet. It does happen! I almost gave up looking for the perfect guy, and then he found me.<3

You will probably not like the suggestion.. but why not take to sharing more of thos Sim entries. I adored those.

May 11, 2006

ryn: lol, OR the perfect girl will come along and sweep you off your feet. yeah, i do exercise alot actually. I’m training for my black belt in Shotokan Karate.

May 13, 2006

hehehe good idea! how much time do you have off?

yaaaaaaay dragon force 😀