Romantic Stages.

I’ve been thinking about the next NaNoWriMo. Unless I decided to write The Epic BIGGAYDAN Novel, I’ll favor writing a sequel to what I wrote last November.

I want to save Xavier. I knew when I ended the novel, I was leaving him as he was, with so many lose ends. I knew it would have been too contrived for him to just “become” better. I had to stay true to the characters. I did misstep at a couple points, if you’re observant, with my intentions, but I never strayed from the spirit of the characters. C`mon, I completely feel in love with my characters!

I have a basic structure I want to implement somewhere. You know the “stages” I’ve been bemusing myself with? Like..

    Initial Attraction
    Covert Innuendo
    Overt Affection

Toss in enough of them, really focus on each stage, it’s a good way to structure a romance, if not a story. And given that’s just a structure, something as fluid as romance itself, I could give this structure to either Xavier or Lisa. Depends on how far I get with Xavier. We know Lisa is by far the more outgoing and confident of the two. She really is the reflection of what I wish I had in a little sister.

I think about the circumstances in which I met Ashley, and if I were to just fabricate everything, it would make for good writing. Hell, I could totally exaggerate Angie into some hilarious material. I’m not too worried about copying people, though I did a good job of creating people relatively not based on people I know, or at least, a mish-mash of people I know.

I’ll have to rethink the Darcey/Xavier romance I initiated. I’ll either start the story a year or two after it ends, or start it before it even ended, and fill in some blanks. If I do the later, I’ll have to make sure I don’t stall too much, just crank out those chars and get out of that timeline as fast as possible, and move on. Will have to reread the novel at some point, though that’s not until October at the very least.

To save Xavier? If I can’t think of anything else, subjecting him to a Paiging would knock some sense into him. I’d rather not have the Random Death Sequence, as it would only be to prove how he’s not effected at all. Some horrible shit will have to happen to him, without a doubt, as it’ll take some doing to crack his emotional shell. Lisa’s a bit more open-ended, I can take her wherever she wants to go. Grawr.

Just spare thoughts. Carry on.

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