Morning of 3-20-6
An exercise in escapism. Or maybe it’s just my attitude. I remember when vacations were just that, and I’d be happy to return to school. Now I’m like everybody else, dreading the new day. Or maybe that’s just my attitude. It’s a possibility.
I have no impending things to do – yet. Little things here and there, but no biggies.
I need to find something new to do with my time. Nothing big or expensive. Just somewhere else to spend my time.
Meh. I don’t like Mondays. I can never finish my workout in time. I don’t like working in pairs.
But nevermind that. I need something to look forward to. I don’t like numbing myself out so often.
Have you called any of those numbers? Jes’ saying. You seem to be in avoidance mode and that’s going to drag you down. {{{ hugs }}}
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RYN: The father’s rights groups in Indiana. You need to at least find out what you’re dealing with. As first steps go, it’s a pretty benign one. If you decide to wait or not pursue it further at that point, that’s different than avoidance. But know your options.
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Ideas? -like you said, someplace outdoors. Preferably somewhere within walking distance so you can go there whenever. -maybe an arcade? It’s fun, it’s around people, it’s not the condo. -I still think you need to get a cat. : P Having a pet makes life SO much more fulfilling. Anyways, you’ll come up with something. Just explore. I LOVE YOU. Try to smile today, and let yourself be proud.
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It’s always hard to go back after a holiday.
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