Emotional Needs.

Laying in bed, thinking about some new thoughts I shared between Kathleen and I. Of accepting that all I ever wanted was to be loved by my mom. But I’ll get into that another time.

I was thinking about girls I tend to be interested in or go after, and just about the only thing I can find in common with them is a vague sense of emotional distance. Every time, I never really feel close to a girl the way I feel close with my close friends now. Pattern or not, I have been consistently emotionally dissatisfied in my so-called relationships. I am an emotionally demanding person, and it’s quite obvious the average female can’t keep up with me.

Just annotating, so I won’t forget. Now I sleep.

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I’ve always known it wouldn’t take an average bitch to handle a Timmy™. Sadly…I think I’m far too average.

My comments to you??

*chews on things* I do respect you as a male. And I do like you. I don’t think I’m not good enough for you…but perhaps that I’m a bit too simple…??? And that we aren’t compatible because we’re very different??? I’m not sure. Sometimes I just wish certain people thought as much of me as I think of them. You probably fall in that category.

Wow. So. There it is. In black and white. Er…red and white. Er…red and maroon. Whatever.

Nah. You want to marry the girl who is most LIKE your mom. Women are supposed to marry their fathers, though I have issues with that one. Half and half, perhaps?

February 3, 2006

So you need like a Yogi gf?