Workout Routines, V2.2

For the record, the reason I run a split is because if I didn’t, I’d run the risk of overtraining. This way I can effectively get more days of exermacise in without overexerting myself. Remember, when I started in October, I’d be at the Y for an hour and a half. This cuts my workout down to twenty-five to thirty-five minutes or so.

Apparently, popular notation is sets x reps. So I’ll follow that. All poundage is based on my last workout.


    Squats 3 x 8 @ 85 lbs (or 4 x 6, same amount of total reps)
    Dumbbell Overhead Press 3 x 8 @ 25 lbs (per hand)
    Dumbbell Bench Press 3 x 8 @ 35 lbs (per hand)
    Seated Calf Raises 3 x 12 @ 270 lbs
    Outer Hip Abductor 15, 10 @ 90 lbs
    Weighted Decline Bench Sit-ups 2 x 20 @ 4 kg (I don’t go below parallel.)


    Lat Pull 3 x 8 @ 155 lbs
    Rows (I still need to find a way to do this reliably.)
    Tibia Dorsi (opposite of calf raise) 3 x 10 @ 43 lbs
    Deadlifts 3 x 8 @ 95 lbs (I had to stop at 7 reps per set when I did 100 lbs)
    Inner Hip Adductor 15, 10 @ 120 lbs
    Reverse Barbell Curls 2 x 10 @ 50 lbs
    Side-bends 2 x 20 @ 10 lbs (each direction gets 40 reps total, so 80 in all.)

I favor compound exercises over isolation exercises. But. The fact remains that my goal isn’t to be Arnold. I don’t need huge bulging biceps. I want overall fitness. So while my adductors may be “small” or “minor” muscles, they’re muscles that are sore if I don’t exercise them regularly. Last thing I want is to pull my groin again. Ya know?

I like doing reverse curls because they hit my forearm more. Realistically, I could easily toss them out in favor of something like Cuban Rotations. My shoulders still crack when I do a rotation like that, so an exercise like that, even at a light weight, would do me some good.

Otherwise, a split “splits” the six basic movements over two days, and I just do complementary exercises. I had to pick a day for abs, so I just split them and side-bends apart. Always work big muscles first. I do squats first on a push day so my back is fresh. Strangely, I find my overall workout is better if I wait on my deadlift. I wait until after my deadlift to hit my groin and sides. *nods*

I’m keeping this routine “full” because I want to balance out the simplistic nature of the full-body workout I get in my weight training class, which is as follows, as of today:

(Not necessarily in this order, whereas I tend to follow the same order for my split, to optimize muscle freshness.)

    Barbell bench press 1 x 20 @ 60 lbs
    Barbell Overhead press 1 x 15 @ 45 lbs
    Back Row 1 x 15 @ 45 lbs
    Preacher Curls 1 x 20 @ 45 lbs
    Calf Raises 1 x 20 @ 110 lbs
    Squat 1 x 20 @ 60 lbs
    Back Extensions 1 x 20 @ 10 lbs
    Ab Crunches 1 x 20 @ bodyweight
    Leg Press 1 x 20 @ 160 lbs

Aaand. I think that’s all I needed to say.

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February 1, 2006

RYN: Don’t make me want to hurt you. Be well,

February 1, 2006

Well parents have a hard choice to make when it comes to the foreskin department. If they don’t then the boy faces possible alienation and future detatchment (I’ve known men who ripped their foreskin in their 30s and 40s and then had to be circumsized ANYWAY–and the bad part is that your penis hardens every night at some point and you wake up in extreme pain). If they DO then perhaps the boy

February 1, 2006

loses some sensation as an adult. Personally, if we have sons they will be circumsized and if they grow up to hate me over an inch of skin, then I’ll take that chance. I just have to wonder: would you rather have had the decision be yours? Have your parents wait until you are 12 or 15 or 18 or whatever the majority in this case is and ask you for your opinion?

February 1, 2006

RYN: Wow, you are passionate. Actually ever male in my family is un-circed, as is my husband and I am very familiar with the penis in its natural state. That being said, I don’t think you quite understand the pain involved in a post-puberty circumcision. It is PAINFUL for quite a long time and there can be even more nerve damage than in an infants circumcision. I find the risk too great.

February 1, 2006

One day my husband will most likely hav to have a circumcision and he dreads it like nothing else. I don’t want my sons, if we have any, to go through that. Besides, how many fully grown un-circed men WANT to go through a circumcision? So if you leave the decision up to them they will likely never do it precisely because of the fear of the unknown and the known (the pain). While I agree children

February 1, 2006

are not property, parents do have the right to make decisions like this prior to their majority. A child needs an appendectomy, a tonsilectomy, surgery for a hare lip–you have to decide. And if they don’t want it, tough, it is necessary. But I do support the right for parents to not have their children circumsized. I also believe it is a RIGHT of the parents, not the child.

February 1, 2006

P.S. I wonder if there is a cosmetic surgery to add on foreskin? There’s one for everything else, you’d think this wouldn’t be too hard. Haha, pun!

February 1, 2006

RYN: Well I’m sorry if this is upsetting you. But we are coming from completely different view points: I know men who were born with un-naturally long or tight foreskins who needed a circumcision to correct them and I know men who had to get adult circumcisions because it tore during intercouse (which happens almost every time but sometimes it is irreparable). These men had to have adult

February 1, 2006

circumcisions and it was AWFUL for them. Very painful and, if they had been circumsized as babies, it would have been unnecessary. I guess I don’t understand why you are anti-circumcision. Is it period or just in children? And if so is it just the principle of the thing or do you believe children will be happier and healthier with their foreskins?

February 1, 2006

P.S. You’re in luck! I looked into it and there is, in fact, foreskine restoration surgery. If you really hate your penis (and why should you? I’ve never met one I didn’t like…;) you have the option to have something re-attatched. Also there are some non-surgical techniques that seem to involve taping the skin down a bit at a time over long periods until it grows and stretches to form new skin.

February 1, 2006

Regarding masectomies: no, of course not. But that is because it is a major operation while circumcision is a relatively minor outpatient affair.

February 1, 2006

Yeah but the infant won’t have cognizent memories of the operation or its after affects–nor do they have nightly erections that cause intense pain and discomfort. Long term, it is worse for an adult than a child. I have never been in the room for a circumcision but while we’ve been discussing I’ve been looking up circumcision websites and there are some pretty ghastly photos out there.

will you be there with me?

February 1, 2006

I suppose I can’t fully understand the “incomplete” feeling as I’ve never lost any organs or extremities or anything of this nature. I’m sorry you feel that way but there seem to be just as many men that are happy with their circumsized penises (quite proud of them, actually). It’s not an aesthetic thing for me but a fear for my child. I think it is in their best interest.

February 1, 2006

All this being said, I have to go eat dinner. I’m sorry this issue upsets you so and that you feel robbed of something. I think you may be being a little harsh on your mother (why you didn’t mention your father is interesting) as I doubt she did it maliciously and she had the best intentions at heart. You are her child, after all. You have given me food for thought which is all anyone can ever

Actually, I’ve seriously considered it

February 1, 2006

do for another person. While you might not change my mind, you have alerted me to things I didn’t know existed–such as this culture of men who miss their foreskins. Also, this is a joint-decision and my husband is pretty firm in this because of his own experience so I doubt he’ll change his mind. But you never know and perhaps this dialogue has educated someone else. 🙂 Have a good evening.

I doubt I’ll have to try. My body is so sexy it creates boners on it’s own 😉

you? tiny? whatchu talkin’ bout?! And hey, we would probably be the prettiest people in the nudist colony since they are normally filled with middle aged people (I think knowing that would be the only thing to make me comfortable enough to shed my clothes)

oooo! I’m over due for a wax! I go to this place in Riverdale where scary Asian women go berserk on my pubes. I’m slightly scared to go back… they aren’t very gentle 🙁

February 1, 2006

I’m back. I had a Sonic burger, it was very good (stuck at work until my husband gets out of a meeting). Anyway, I don’t think ALL children should be circumsized…like I said, I think its a decision they or their parents should make. I wouldn’t want their to be a law or compulsion or anything. And please understand that I’m not for it because of some stupid aesthetic or cultural reason.

February 1, 2006

“I know I’ve saved foreskins in my lifetime.” I had the image of a bunch of tiny foreskins in a jar. As far as blaming your mom–your dad would be the more informed partner, I should think. I would assume he would have the most valid opinion on the subject. Incidentally, this was the topic of discussion over our drive-thru dinner tonight. Appetizing! 🙂

saw you on od-d boards and thought you were really cool, I’m adding you as a friends and do you know you have 1500 entries? thats flippin crazy! Like the sound of the workout 🙂

February 2, 2006

Getting fit is always a noble goal. RYN: I can see the value in imperfection…but I’m still crazy-finicky. ::shrugs::

February 2, 2006

perfectly logical. Minor muscles support the bigger muscles. Really, a new car without a smooth road will break down fast. Your ideas are almost inspiring. Almost! But I’m getting there!