My foreskin never hurt anybody.

Couldn’t help but say something.

    I am a victim of Routine Infantile Circumcision. My sexual capacity
    and completeness as a human being was Bush Doctrined in the name of
    prevention. There was no need for this to have been done to me.

    I grew up not even knowing I was circumcised. I just assumed the
    color difference marked by the circumcision scar was “normal”. Of
    course, at the time, I didn’t even know the scar was caused by
    circumcision. I did not discover masturbation when I discovered my
    penis. No, I discovered masturbation when I discovered lubrication.
    Without a foreskin, I could not masturbate without lubrication.

    I find it insulting that it’s assumed intact men can’t maintain proper
    hygiene. Women are trusted with genitalia that requires its own
    doctor to maintain, why couldn’t I be trusted with a foreskin? Yet I
    don’t think it has anything to do with us. I think it has to do with
    ignorant mothers who can’t be bothered to deal with that which they
    don’t understand. What’s cleaner, a glans snug in its prepuce, or an
    exposed glans in a dirty diaper? Glans penis or glans clitoris, the
    purpose of the prepuce remainst to protect its respective glans.

    Much is made of what circumcision prevents. Does this mean
    circumcised penises are immune? Absolutely not. A circumcised penis
    is not immune to cancer, let alone AIDS. Nor should men be lulled
    into a false sense of circumcised security. STD prevention should be
    education, not multiation. Isn’t genital mutilation in Africa
    something we’re trying to prevent, not proliferate, right?

    Does it make sense for infants who are at a high risk of breast cancer
    to receive infantile masectomies? No.

    Does it make sense for infants who are at a high risk of prostate
    cancer to have their prostates removed at birth? No.

    Does it make sense for girls to have their prepuces taken without
    their consent? The knee-jerk reaction is very much against all forms
    of FGM. So why is it okay to reduce the sexual pleasure of men?

    Why is this okay? Why was this done to me?

    RIC shouldn’t be done. I’ve been so perturbed by my incompleteness
    that two years ago, I began the process of making myself a little bit
    more complete. Foreskin restoration, that is.

    I no longer need to masturbate with lubrication. My glans doesn’t
    look as dead and dry as it used to. Color is returning to it, and
    it’s moist at times. There’s still much more restoring to go, but
    it’s worth it.

    It shouldn’t have come to this. I should have had my foreskin to do
    with as I please.

    I see nothing wrong with clear-thinking adults chopping off parts of
    their bodies. People amputate their toes, pierce various parts of
    their bodies, and put ink in their body. I don’t believe body
    modification is something that should be subjected to an infant. We
    should be allowed to grow up with the body we’re born with (impending
    health threats aside). My foreskin never hurt anybody.

    I realize your statement of purpose asked for transitioned men who
    have had sex as both. I won’t lie, I’ve only had sex while I was in
    the process of restoring. But, if it’s any consolation, I know the
    extra slack I had made for better sense. If I pulled my skin over the
    glans prior to penetration, I would slide in FAR EASIER than if I just
    poked away. The difference between a broom handle and a well-oiled
    piston, someone once joked.

    I’ll stop here rather than reiterate what a million other angry men could.


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My goodness, you were a cute little boy. And you’re a cute young man. I agree with you, I bet your private parts never hurt anyone. Carry on in spite of wierd-ass peeps. Or pre-conceived notions.

August 31, 2005

“I think it has to do with ignorant mothers who can’t be bothered to deal with that which they don’t understand.” Yes, let’s blame the mothers. They’re a frequent scapegoat. Never mind that studies have shown that men are usually the ones who strongly favor circumcision. Never mind that the practice began as part of a patriarchal culture meant to cleanse men (and not women, who were

August 31, 2005

generally thought to be beyond all hope.) Instead of fixating on one little part of the population, you need to start thinking in terms of changing the way society feels. It has nothing to do with being “bothered” to learn about something–when people are taught that circumcision is cleaner, why would it occur to them to look further? Educate. Don’t blame. You know I agree with you that

August 31, 2005

circumcision is wrong, largely because of what I’ve read from you. Not being in possession of a penis myself, I wasn’t very aware of exactly what it entailed. But don’t act like FGM is just the female version of circumcision. The male equivalent would be to cut your penis off and leave a little pinhead for you to try to pee through, and then stab a catheter through it every once in a while as

August 31, 2005

someone’s bizarre version of sexual penetration. Making claims like that alienates a lot of people who would otherwise take you seriously.

August 31, 2005


I totally agree.

Jameson thanks you for educating his mommy about circumcision.

I remember you before some things, maybe I ‘met’ you after others. 🙂 Funny, most people dont realize that this is Kodak Facade- even though there are pictures, and now that I’ve jumped two states and am getting married, it even further pulls me away from what people do remember. How did you know?

It is something i have never been able to understand. Surely slicing off a bit of a child, and a great deal of the time without the benefit of anesthetic, is surely child abuse (at best) if not torture. Just another one of the many areas in which people react with ignorance rather then understanding the issues (there is actual mounting evidence to suggest uncircumcised males are less likely to

catch AIDS and a whole host of other nasties but parents seem intent on ignoring those). As an uncircumcised male who is about to go the other way (had the wonderful luck of developing a condition that effects 3 in 2 million men a year ago, dont know what causes it let alone how to treat it without snippy) i can say it is a truely terrifying concept to have to deal with. Without the choice i dont

know why people havent started sueing their parents and the hospitals who allow the parents to mutilate their children like that. Sick world. Sick life.