Give me material.

Well, it’s not really a shortage of material. See…

I want to write requests. Give me a topic, a question, a bunch of ideas or questions. Hell, give me a few objects and maybe a location, and I’ll write a story about it. (See DateATimmy III, and the Spiral/BobDole/Claymore/HolyGrail stories.)

It can be serious, it can be silly. I don’t care how bizarre it is. I mean, after you write about how a taco can take over the world, nothing is too weird. I’ve written a nice treatise on homosexuality. I even once created a religion dedicated to the Vagina! I single-handedly gave our Kinky Diarymaster the nickname “Bang Bang” Bruce. Um. Just pointing out that I can hit a wide variety of topics.

I have a personal bet that nobody will really give me anything to write on, so feel free to prove me wrong.

Heck, if need be, ask questions about me. Or the world. Or Bob Dole. Anything! Get the idea?

Nah, you don’t, you’re going to chicken out and hope somebody else says something interesting because you think you’re “not interesting” or capable of giving me fodder for writing. CHICKEN!

Go ahead. Challenge me. I can write anything you ask. BRING`EM ON.

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write about the difference between fruits and vegetables… or boys and girls…public school and proivate.. the cool and the lame… the picked on kids… the abandoned… the adopted… the aborted… those in love… those in pain… those in between… the giddy and the depresed.. the fake and the real… plastic surgery.. tv… music… movies… drama… need more topics????

I want you… to write a story convincing me that our female periods are really just a giant king crab in our vaginas and that they go into hibernation during the off part of the month. tell us alll about mr king crab. <3

was that a good enough topic? <3

February 20, 2005

You mission, should you choose to accept it: Find the worst diarist on OD.

I remember the vagina series but not the homosexuality treatise. I fell like I just had a walk-on part in Day of the Triffids.

If a remake were made of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, could you conceivably cast Bob Dole in the role of Dr. Frank-n-Furter? That’s not a topic.

February 21, 2005

Write about how badly you want to eat a great Poptart.

February 21, 2005

Oh, no. I meant BURRITO. Not Poptart. Silly Kelly.

Write about your favorite physical feature of a woman. Describe it in great detail. What about it appeals to you, and why. After that, write about your favorite animal. Yes, this is lame I agree. Forgive me, it’s Monday morning. At 8:02.

Oh yeah, I forgot: you were one of the lucky ones that got their diaries back. I didn’t. 🙁

February 21, 2005

The Green Bay Packers… since your diary is obviously devoted to them, colorwise. 😉

February 21, 2005

RYN: I don’t understand.

February 21, 2005

Give a History of Timmy’s Sex Toys and Underwear.That was the first thing to pop into my mind.And I want dates and details damnit!

February 21, 2005

and Jezebel…I could not stop laughing….I want to know about Mr. King Crab too.

Not even a sexual discussion – just checking your internal consistency. Faith is a belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence. Thus, by definition, you cannot prove the existence of God. Nor can you prove the nonexistence. You’ve said you’re an atheist. Isn’t the only difference between you and a born-again person your faiths? Can you support your position without faith?

(Cont) It seems to me the only honest, consistent, logical position a rational person can take is that they are agnostic–neither position can be proven. I guess one difference is that a religious person uses god to define his moral bearings while an atheist uses reason (hopefully). Still, both are tottering forward on faith, not reason. So how can you call yourself an atheist?

Q 2. Have you ever thought you needed Viagra?

February 21, 2005

Timmy, I had a dream about you last night. No joke. No, I’m serious. Write an entry about it.

What would life be like if our president was a banana-eating lizard?

How about telling us about Paige and your unborn baby? What’s going on with that situation?