Avoiding Impending Doom.

We all know I’ve been working too much. Thing is, I’m kind of afraid of tomorrow, my day off. I just. I have no idea what to do with myself. Well. I could pester Cliff, but I don’t know if I’m in the mood. Kind of sad that he’s just about my only option. I can’t play video games all day, it gets old fast. I don’t like watching movies by myself. Well, I did like watching movies on Lisa Electron, but she’s dead. I can’t take a bath all day.

I think Alex has told me to get a hobby. *shrugs*

Soo. What the hell am I supposed to do with myself on my day off? All suggestions, no matter how wacko, are welcome.

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January 27, 2005

Go to the park and throw peanuts at squirrels, old people, and small children.

January 27, 2005


RYN — I don’t know if he’s favs only….but Maddawg is great to read.

Oh no! Throwing peanuts at squirrels?!!!!!

Come kidnap me. I have school tomorrow. *falls over* 😛

January 27, 2005

I could teach you how to crochet. 😉 Be well,

January 27, 2005

Visit Ms. Palmer? Go on a photo safari? *shruggeths*

January 27, 2005

You could come up here, clean off my desk, clean out my bottom desk drawer, wash my clothes, go to the grocery store for me, clean off all the shit that’s on my printer, go to CVS and picked up various items, type up these letters, print these letters, mail these letters, read my criminology stuff and take the quiz, figure out where to put all my old notebooks, and rearrange my room.

January 27, 2005

Go take some pictures. DO IT. Not of you, either! Of other stuff!

I usually take days like that, wide-open days with no plans, one hour at a time. I’ll sleep in late, then maybe turn on the TV, see if I feel like watching something, maybe pick up a magazine and thumb through it… just sorta do whatever pops into my head, and if it gets boring, do something else. Oh, you want interesting things? Hm. Go take pictures around your house/neighborhood/town?

Cook something (like real cooking, not like bread + meat = sandwich)? Go to the grocery store and browse? Build a robot out of tinfoil and paper towel tubes? Make a snow fort (and throw snowballs at passers-by)? Take screencaps of your DVDs and make new wallpaper? Go to a pet store and talk to the animals (and pretend they’re talking back)? Pull out your childhood toys and play? *shrug*

Lisa Electron died??? I had no idea.

BIGGAYDAN = Maddawg?!

January 28, 2005

ER is on TNT at 9 and 10, you could watch them and report back to me.

You can come over to my house and take out the trash for me. It’s getting pretty mountainous (is that a word?). I’m trying to see how big it can get before Adrian realizes that it needs to go out, but one of our cats just peed on it, so it’s got to go NOW. Or you could just masturbate all day. That’s what I used to do on my days off.

January 28, 2005

Go for a walk.

January 28, 2005

Or, even better, go sit on a bench in a park and just think. I love to think.

January 28, 2005

In fact, some may say that I love to think so much that I’m starting to lose my damn mind.

January 28, 2005

just do it.

January 28, 2005

You can drive to central PA and come clean my apartment… I could keep you real busy tomorrow. I’ll even provide lunch. lol ;o)

January 28, 2005

oo! oo! I could teach you how to crochet! That always makes my days go by faster.Or, you could take up some crazy hobby that no one really does any more.I’ve got it! You could be a GLASS BLOWER!Or… or… or… You could learn to speak some dead language!OK, I think I’m done.Samie’s

January 28, 2005

RYN: Yes, he does care. At least a little :)Samie’s

January 28, 2005

I’m still laughing over your note. I’m just as spontaneous about giving you my address. Now I’m wondering if you were just saying it to say it. Its cool either way.

It’s going to be a little chilly to sit in the park unless your sampling food at work has bulked you up. You don’t have to accomplish anything. Buy a book you’ve wanted to read and read it in a day. Start a diorama with tiny z-scale trains. Give yourself a manicure and pedicure. Watch the first season of Babylon 5. The run time of 960 minutes should just about fill your day. And it’s good!