I’m an oral person.

Asked my Metaphysics teacher if I could hand in the two writing assignments before the exam. (Which is coming up the Friday after break.) He was sort of “Wow!” and said that, yes, doing them would help me on the exam. Professors always look so much different when you’re a few feet from them, than when you’re in the back of class. I still say he looks like he should be in Weezer. (No, I don’t really listen to them, it’s just the mental image I get, that Buddy Holly look.)

I’ve gotten used to being fashionably late to Expos 2 every Tuesday, since I’m coming from College Ave directly beforehand. I don’t bother stressing getting there OMGASAP, instead taking the time to #2. Life suddenly doesn’t seem as bad when you’re not full of shit.

Today was one of those peer review type days. Made me simultaneously glad that I didn’t have anything to be ripped apart and sad that I didn’t have anything to be appraised. The later feeling prevailed. Between last class and today, I did a second essay. I talked to prof a few minutes after class. She’s not supposed to comment on them, but whatever, if she doesn’t, I won’t have a fucking clue what she wants of me. I knew there was something wrong with that essay, but I wasn’t quite sure. I just grabbed a book and used what was in it to interpret the previous material. Um. Turns out I got it background. I used the concepts in the book as a frame, when we were supposed to use the frames we’ve already seen and analyze raw material. *rolls eyes* Where the hell does one find raw material? God damn it! Fuck actual examples, I like my toy theorical examples.


I’ve already decided not to stress out about the class. As long as I do something for each class session, I’ll not only catch up, but I’ll write a better paper than any of those dipshits. Ha ha. I suppose I’ve always had a hidden animosity to my classmates. Well, in any class, really. I know that even if they read that second essay, they wouldn’t be able to peg what it was that was wrong with it. As for the two page What-My-Research-Paper-Is-On, I don’t trust most of their intellect. *smirks*

I had a bagel with cream cheese for breakfast. I forget whether it was this morning or last night that I got the craving. I usually don’t get bagels because it takes too long to cut the bagel, then toast it, then spread the cream cheese on it. Whatever. It was good times, this morning.

I have a poptart in my mouth. Mmm, I haven’t had a poptart’s fruity goodness in my mouth in a long time. Mmm, warm and yummy.

I’m wearing my cords. My leather belt looks a little funny against it, but whatever. It’s my One Belt To Rule Them All. Besides, most of my shirts go past my shirt, so what’s the difference?

I’ve considered that upcoming exam in Computer Architecture to be a sunk cause. I truely doubt studying any of that assembly language will make much of a difference. I also got the feeling, from the one recitation I’ve been to, that the TA isn’t that helpful. Oh. There isn’t a single female in the class. At all. No breasts. No punani. No perfume. No menstrual cycles aligning to each other. …But the TA is female. Chinese. This may sound weird, but Chinese girls just aren’t that attractive, compared to Korean or Vietnamese. I never thought it possible in my lifetime, but I have a vague sense of what ethnicity an asian girl is by looking at her. I’m usually right, though I never have the balls to actually ask the person whether I’m right. (Guys, too.) Don’t ask me which Asian is hottest, I’m not sure.

…There’s this one black girl on campus with blue eyes. Need I say anything more?

*looks at time*

I’m going to hit the library from 3:30 to 5:30, then relax until 6 when I GOTO my recitation, then do more stuff after I eat. I’m thinking read for Socialism and Communism first, then (after I eat) read for Motivation and Emotion (which I have tomorrow morning), then read Metaphysics for x amount of time. I’ll sleep good tonight.

The Socialism and Communism midterm was given out yesterday. Due in two weeks. It’s actually just two essays, totally about four to five pages. If I knew the material, I bet it would be easy. Honestly, the questions scare me. I’m hoping they’ll make sense after I read shit.

Oh. I’ve been having bizarre flicker/redraw problems. Reinstalling the video drivers didn’t help. I’m thinking of just formatting the C: drive and reinstalling. This isn’t as nasty as it sounds, because I have my hard drive partitioned. All my personal files (T:) and the cargo bay (E:) of random shit would be uneffected. The only annoying thing would be that with the clearing of the system registry, I would have to “reinstall” everything. Even though everything’s already there. Hmm. I wonder if there’s a way around that… I’ll probably do this after break, I don’t have time to sit here fiddling with my computer, or take the chance that I fuck up and need more resources beyond my pyrated Windows XP CD. *smirks* It’s the only OS CD I have.


Hmm. The lot of you are naughty panty-snatchers, I tell you. If I asked on OD for anybody to mail me their panties, who would actually do it?

Addendum: By the way. I think I’m a size 7. Think.

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Your version of XP is pyrated?? Shame on you, Timmy. That is just WRONG!!! lol Don’t ask me where I got my version from. hehehe I won’t tell on you if you don’t tell on me. 😉 I wouldn’t send you my panties. I like all mine too much to spare a pair. Now…if you want a bra, I’ve got some I never wear I could get rid of. lol

Yeah. I was asking Casey about getting XP, if he really thought it was worth it, cause his new comp came with it preloaded, and he said he’d just find me a copy, since he’s got a cable modem, and its much quicker than my connection. So…voila. I had it. For free. :-p Yay. Only….he just figured out that this copy was infected, and is what caused my comp to act all crazy for a few days with worm

notifications all the time, but…its worked itself out, and yeah! now its not a problem. Oh well. Yay for freebies. 😛 And yeah. I’m much happier with XP than I was with ME. I just wish I had my programs back…if I could figure out how to get them. But oh well.

I would send you panties, but they’re a size 5 *blushes*. Could you still wear them?

here’s a naked picture of me http://img18.photobucket.com/albums/v55/martypants/?action=view&current=5a.jpg from the shoulders up, I’m afraid. feel free to browse more pictures in that album…me, my doggie, etc.

I’ll mail ya panties. they’re size 56, though. Wide. I’m fat. and you can buy bagels pre-cut. Saves a LOTTA time, yo.

i would if you really neede a pair but only cuz you pretty….fkn ducky

No, you are too damn skinny. Eh. I like Japanese culture, but sadly, I think Vietnamese are cuter. It depends. There are good and bad among us all. Anyway, I’m off to enjoy a nice little pot pie. Ugh.

*hides her panties and looks at your cord-clad butt suspiciously* I’ve been missing my white cotton g-string with the little green Mini car on the front …