First Survey of This Diary.. So…*SNIFF* Proud

Ever killed somebody?: Not yet…

Ever wanted to kill somebody?: Far too many times… none of them seriously though…maybe                                         

Did you succeed?: Didn’t try.

How many people do you want to kill?: There’s a few I’d like to see sod off, but thats but not kill!                                    

Are you going to?: I doubt it!                                                                                                                                                                 

Why?: Because prison isn’t a fun game

What’s the temperature outside?: Too hot by far! 

What time is it?: 23:33pm

Are you home alone?: Nup, I’m in my office- executive lifestyle!!!!                                                                                       

Are you eating something?: Some fresh cherries from the greengrocers! YUM! 

Does anything on your body itch?: Not right now! 

Did you stop to scratch it?: Would have proven difficult 

Is the itch gone?: What itch? 

Do you have another itch:  Do you have some sort of perverse obsession with minor discomfort?                              

If yes where?: I don’t have one!!!!! 

Did you stop to scratch it?: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGH!!!!

What colour is your hair?: Dark Brown

What colour are your eyes?: Grey-green

Are you a male?: Yes (The shame!!!!!) 

Are you an alien?: Not usually! 

Are you human?: Yes…. Wish otherwise sometimes though 

Are you female?: Not as far as I’m aware!!!! 

Do you want to be on Star Wars?: Not hugely! 

Do you want to be on any science fiction tv show?: Ummm, does Lord of the Rings count? 

Do you even know what I’m saying?: I assume so!

Can you read?: No, all of my answers thus far are just random key presses. You caught me out! Damn.

Are you in college?: God no! 

Are you in high school?: Been there 

Are you in Jr. High?: Done that! 

Are you in Elementary school?: Got the T-shirt (I stole it from lost property) 

Pre-school?: The tricycles are such fun…

Have you ever had a crush on somebody of the same sex?: Kina…

Ever had a crush on your teacher?: Miss Herdman *Dreamy Sigh* 

Are you homosexual?: No.

Are you bi-sexual?: No!

If you had to choose a career in being a stripper or a Playboy poster girl which would you choose?: Playboy would mean I’d spent a fortune on a sex change op, so I could manage stripping as it’s cheaper to organise!!!            

Have you ever stripped?: Yes, it’s compulsory for bathing. 

Have you ever been in Playboy?: Not as far as I know!!! It’s amazing what drink can do though… 

What do you really wanna be when your older?: Alive would be a good start. 

Do you paint your nails?: When I’m having one of my gothic turns. 

Do you paint your toenails?: Nup.

Do you use body glitter?: Not ever. I HATE glitter. Bloody spangles of Satan. 

Do you use body paint?: No.

Do you spray body spray or perfume anywhere below the waist?: If I drop the spray maybe!

Ever bought something from Victoria’s Secret?: Hell no!

Do you use/wear it?: N/A

Have you ever done sexual favours for money?: Not become that hard up (no pun) yet! 

Ever wanted to?: Never while sober! 

Ever been offered?: I was once propositioned in a bar once. By a man! Ugh… 

Do you go to school everyday?: Don’t have to, its over now!

Do you get good grades?: I did yes! 

Do you have a crush on another student?: I did, yeah! 

Did they like you back?: I hope so- she was my girlfriend!

What was their name?: Ali (Sound of violent vomiting) 

Want me to stalk them for you?: Yeah, why not! 

Are you listening to music?: I am! 

What are you listening to?: Afterglow (Of Your Love): The Small Faces! Great 1960’s band!

Do you wear jewellery?: Yup

A lot of it?: Not really! 

Is it real?: Well, if I’m wearing it I guess it has to be real, or it wouldn’t exist! D’uh! 

Are you a pyro?: Not all the time! 

Do you light things on fire for fun?: Bonfires, matches, lighters people! Wait, Ijust meant to think the last part! 

Do you do it often?: No, the lighter fluid costs a fortune! 

Are you tired of this survey?: I’m tired Fullstop!

Do you like yourself?: Not often!

Do you want to die?: Nup- that stage is thoroughly passed!

Are you on anti-depressants?: No! 

Do you go to a head doctor?: I used to. I fired them all- bar-stewards one and all!

Do you like head doctors?: No. They all seem far too big headed!

Do people piss you off?: Some of them *coughGeorgeBushcough* 

Do I piss you off?: I’m sure you’re lovely really! 

Do you piss yourself off?: Hell yes! 

Do you masturbate?: Who doesn’t if they’re honest! 

Do you want to?: Not at this precise point in time, what with being at work and all! 

Are you now?: See above. 

Ever had sex?: Yes.

Want to?: At some point in my life that would be a bonus, yes! 

Are you a self-mutilator?: No. Used to be a bit self violent but have calemed with age. Like wine. Not that new wine

is violent. As far as I know! An experiment is in order methinks! 

What do you do?: Mutilation-wise or ever? I do lots of stuff!


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just found your diary on random entry. Thought your answers to the survey were very funny

June 27, 2005

So I WASN’T your first noter, that makes me sad. The idea of violent new wine is interesting. Drink new wine and it makes you wanna punch things? Hmmm….

GOODness, that “the end” is a pretty bit of font, isn’t it?! I liked this, it was very you. Lol. You USED to be bi. Or…something. I don’t even know. I just remember reading your OLD aenarion entries where you wrote you were “straight as an arrow” then you changed your mind, now you’re back to un gay and un bi again… You are such an enigma, honey! Oye! -Carolyn

August 8, 2005

OOOhhh liar liar pants on fire! You told me when we first ‘met’ that you had bi tendencies. And your eyes are grey not green, MINE are green. Stop imitating me like a PARROT (Or squirrel!)!!! Hahahahaha!!! Oh and do not mentione the ‘A’ word. Or I shall vomit. And I do not like to vomit. Lee xXx