The Time Has Come, The Walrus Said…

To talk of many things…

Well, me at any rate! Narcissistic maybe, but it’s my diary so ha! Now who’s powerful, eh? Apart from world leaders and anyone more powerful than me…

Anyway, as this is a new diarrohea diary, it’s probably for the best that I at least mention something about me, rather than random complaints about the futility of existence!

My name is Thomas Anthony Kilby. I was born in Leicester in the English Midlands, my family and Imoved to Essex when I was fifteen and then I moved away to Wales three years ago. That was to start a failed venture into university- I failed out of my lacksadaisical nature more than anything else- I HATED my course!

I’m 5’6"/5’7", I’m not quite sure! I have long dark brown hair, grey-green eyes, am pale due to an aversion to going out when it’s too hot and am pretty slim. I consider myself unattractive, but doesn’t everyone!

I’m horrendously cynical, and rather dark of thought at times, but I try to keep myself outwardly cheerful. I’m really into my reading (so any bookworms should be able to hold an acceptable conversation with me!!) and I enjoy going on my little misadventures, like sleeping up a mountain to see what it’s like and other such things.

I have a deep love for the natural beauty of things, and people that interest me! I’m horrendously hard to interest at first, but once caught I like to think I am a devoted, if somewhat absent minded friend.

I live in an egg…. sorry, that’s a lie!!!!

I’ve been described as a goth, a hippy, a rocker, a doom hippy and "Just Tom, I can’t think of anything else". I prefer the last one!

There, finally a slightly more human and meaningful entry!!!! I hope someone finally leaves me a note and then I can begin PROPER entries i.e. ones with substance!



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June 27, 2005

It amused me, you’re the same height as me. I don’t know if I’m 5’6 or 5’7 either LOL Hmmm… my real diary, the one NOT full of surveys and junk, is Sezura. It’s rather full of random rambly… but eh. =D

Substance IS occasionally overrated, dahling. Anything you write makes my day, truly. You make me smile, and it isn’t easy to get me to do that. Laugh, yes, but be happy? Not so much! So be proud! I like going through old emails you sent me, they are quite amusing! 32. Favourite scent? I have no sense of smell! From a survey you sent me… still true? -The Famed Carolyn!!!!

August 8, 2005

“The time has come,” the Walrus said, “To talk of many things: Of shoes–and ships–and sealing-wax– Of cabbages–and kings– And why the sea is boiling hot– And whether pigs have wings.” I would describe you as CUTE Tombellina! Especially becase cute and goth do NOT go together. But you are! Utterly cute! Lianne xXx

September 12, 2005

this was the right kind of entry to read to get to know you, I see. onward!