NoJoMo #7

I really liked a couple of today’s challenges, but I have tons to do today so I’m going with one I can answer quickly:

What are the last three things you learned how to do? 

  1. Ride a motorcycle (which I did yesterday, BTW, and it was lovely – but I think it’s getting too cold to ride at night without investing in some cold-weather gear – I had to take a hot bath when I got home to warm up!)
  2. Play D&D 4th edition (which my old RPG buddies in Miami told me I would despise, because apparently some of us who played old school D&D, by which I mean 1st or 2nd edition, don’t care for 4th edition – but I’m really enjoying it)
  3. Teach my kids at home using the Classical Conversations methodology (it’s a new homeschool group we joined this year, and I just love it – the kids are learning so much, and it’s great fun to watch how much they absorb so easily at this age).

So that’s the last three new things I’ve learned.  Happy Monday, everyone!

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November 7, 2011

the motorcycle thing is really cool.

November 7, 2011

wow that’s great! You know Mach has a motorbike and i’m kinding hoping if I get to know him better I’ll get a ride on it. LOL. I think No. 3 is a huge achievement and a huge credit to you. Well done 🙂 Oh.. and thanks for the link! I’ll be posting a pic of my cake later today