NoJoMo #6
Today is Sunday, which means I got up at the ass crack of dawn to take the kids to 8am mass. Thanks to the time change, it didn’t feel like such an ungodly hour when my alarm went off at 6:15 – I wonder if I can use that to trick myself into getting up early every morning and working out before the kids get up? I really should try, I’m feeling kind of gross about my weight recently. Halloween candy has taken its toll…
This afternoon is D&D. I’m supposed to carpool with my friend Beth, but I’m wondering if I can somehow persuade her to drive herself so I can take the motorcycle. It’s a beautiful day, and it would be a great ride – it’s about 30 miles, and takes about an hour to get there – but if it will be crazy cold on the way home. Must go buy long underwear if I’m going to be riding the motorcycle in the winter 🙂
That’s all for today. Tomorrow I need to clean my house, it’s absolutely filthy and driving me batty.
funny how a clean home always makes you feel better.. and normaly it doesn’t take long either and I always think, why didn’t I just do this earlier? lol
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