One Year, Coming Up
Sage is going to be turning one on August 5th. I really can’t beleive that a whole year has gone by but at the same time, I can’t hardly remember her first couple of months.
She’s been both a blessing and a pain in the ass. Take now for instance. We’re trying to get her on a schedule where she’s put down between 10 and 10:30. She’s been good about falling asleep right away, very little fussing. Tonight she’s sitting in her playpen and talking to herself instead of falling asleep. It’s so damn cute to listen to but at the same time kind of annoying because I’m trying to write here.
Of course, as I’m writing the above paragraph, Sage decided to prove me wrong and she layed down and fell asleep. See what I mean now?
So much has happened since she has been around. We’ve moved from the house Sage came to after she was born. We’ve worked hard to move ourselves into a better financial postion. We’ve set up a nice home and are managing to keep it up. I’ve gotten my foot in the door to management at work. It’s really been a good year.
There has been rough patches though. Weeks when the money was strechted thin and we had to make do. Sharon and I have had our problems with each other. Her car got hit by a jackass. But the up’s far outnumber the downs.
It’s been a rollercoaster during Sage’s first year on this earth and I hope the ride doesn’t ever end.