Yes, I’m Alive

It’s so long between entries anymore that when I come here to write, it’s like picking up an old book that I haven’t read in awhile. I blow the dust off and try to find where I last left off.

Since it’s been so long since I’ve written, I’m just going to say that everyone here is doing well. Sage is growing up so quick and keeps both of us busy. I’m still working two jobs and still having trouble finding time for writing. But I have to say that this life isn’t something that I would trade for anything.

My wife and I celebrated our one year anniversary last week. I had to work the night of our anniversary but we went out the Saturday before and had a good time. We went down to West Virginia and played the slots. Believe it or not we even came back with a little extra than what we went with. Good timing too because we were needing to get Sage into a booster car seat soon and we weren’t very sure where the money for it was coming from.

It seems as if our life is like that anymore. We live on the edge of making it or not and when we need a little extra money, somthing happens and we get it. We’re not poor by any means. We get our bills paid, we have food in our stomachs and once in awhile Sharon and I get to indulge and eat out, maybe catch a movie on pay per view. But we’re not making enough extra that we’re able to build a nice savings. I’d like to do that in case of an emergency.

We might be a little better off here soon though. I talked to my manager at work today and he told me about a new program at work. Basically what it consists of is that if a manager thinks that someone in their store is qualified to go into management then he lets the District manager know and the associate gets a one on one interview with the DM. If the DM thinks that the associate is qualified then they go into management training, if not then the associated gets an action plan on what to improve upon and a timetable in which to do it. At the end of that time limit then they’re given another interview. It’s actually much better than the old method which was once a year a round table is called in which associates interested in mangement got grilled by about four different people and if they weren’t accepted into the management traing, then they’d have to work on their action plan for an entire year, until the next round table.

So long story short, I have a good possibility of getting into management soon. That means I’d be able to quit my second job and we might be able to loosen our belts a bit.

I think that’s all for now. I hope to write again soon.

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April 25, 2005

Good luck with the promotion!

*fingers crossed*

Sounds like us, money wise that is