Bucket List . . .or Travel List?

Many people have posted a bucket list this week because of the NoJoMo entry and as I think about what would be some of the items on mine, it reads more like a travel guide than anything sentimental:

1) Visit Italy and do some of the most tourist things imaginable – pizza in Naples, ride a gondola down the canels in Venice, visit the landmarks in Rome, the fabulous stores in Milan.

2) Visit the south of France, dip my toes in the Mediterranian, and visit some French vineyards.

3) Follow the Tour de France around the whole month of July with my husband where my greatest joy would be to witness the happiness and wonder on his face every day.

4) Swim in the oceans off the coast of Australia and visit some of their wonderful vineyards as well.

5) See the volcanos in Hawaii and stay in a little place on the beach in some far, tucked away corner of one of the islands.

6) Witness a sunset in the Florida Keys and visit all of the cats in the Hemingway House.

7) Rent a house/cabin on a quiet lake in the Midwest and spend a month reading, relaxing, swimming, boating, cooking dinners and drinking good wine.

And a one non-related travel items:

8) Make amends with a few estranged friends who were a big part of my life for a long time. I hate the ways things ended with both of them and while we may never get back to where we once were, I would like us to at least appreciate each other again and feel things were resolved and put to rest.

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Great list. The last one is a big one for a lot of us. RYN Way more of my friends are on Facebook. I’ve had them both for about 4 years now and when Facebook was only open to people with a college email address it wasn’t as fun. Now that anyone can do it I’ve reconnected with a lot of people.