Feeling Better

Well, I made it into work today and seem to be on the mend. I talked to my mother last night and she gave me a thorough lashing for eating and drinking crappy the past week. OK – if I really stopped and thought about it, this is probably, mostly my fault.

“Have you been eating your yogert?”, she said. NOOOOOOO.

“Have you been drinking more this weekend?”, she asked. YESSSSSSSSS.

So, not sure I am even going to call the doctor. I am going to try and get myself back on track by eating well, getting a lot of sleep this week and taking care of myself. I have a standing appointment with my GI doctor next week anyway so I can bring up my issues from this weekend then.

The interview last week? A few people asked about how it went – that was so nice you remembered! It went fine. . .I interviewed with the senior manager over the position and the actual manager whose position this currently is, who is going on flexible work arrangement beginning January 1st. I answered all of their questions and then some about my experience, we laughed and joked around, I really like both women so it was a pretty painless interview. Almost TOO painless. . .if you get my drift. I honestly don’t know if they are giving me a fair shake at the job or if the interview was just a formality that they have to interview all internal candidates, even if they know they are going another way.

I spied on the senior manager’s calendar again on Friday and she has a second interview with an external candidate on November 17th and he is going out to lunch afterwards with the 4 people this position would be supervising. See what I mean? I totally understand their position though – the timing would be horrible for the firm all the way around . . . they need someone to start by the end of November, beginning of December and that would put my current department in quite a bind. My boss just quit in October then I leave in December when we are in the middle of budgets? No – that ain’t gonna happen.

Oh well! I sent out my standard thank you notes after the interview regardless and can just hope that if I am really the most qualified for the job, that all of the internal people will work together to figure out how to make it happen. But I am definitely not counting on it right now. And luckily, my current boss is still being as nice as can be – we both worked late together, just the two of us on Friday and she was so appreciative that I stayed – it was almost embarrassing. But nice.

Winter is definitely here, despite what the calendar says. I started my Christmas shopping on Saturday and Andy and I had the best time. Almost 6 hours of shopping –we got a lot done. We keep trying to tell everyone not to buy us things or if they do, to keep it just small, fun, inexpensive things but I can see we are going to have a problem with Brian’s mom. I sent her a list for the two of us – nothing on the list was over $10 and then she sent us HER list yesterday – almost everything on there is the same stuff she had on it last year – sweatshirts (at least $30 unless you get a crap one), a sports bra ($45, if a dime, last time I looked), DVDs, makeup – nothing that would be a small dollar amount! *sigh* I just don’t want to show up on Christmas Eve with one or two tiny little gifts for her and she has bought us the normal amount on top of making us a wonderful Christmas dinner. I will let Brian sort that one out, I think!

Work is pretty slow right now – I have 2 hours stretched out in front of me with nothing to do. The budget just kicked off on Friday – I have had a few questions this morning but no major rush. We finished the 3 month forecasts this morning before lunch and the final financial statements don’t come out until Wednesday to prepare all of our monthly reports. So – here I sit, reading everyone’s diaries! So much for a busy November! I am so behind on my hours for the year, it isn’t even funny. By my calculation, I am supposed to be working 10 hour days this month and I have yet to hit even one. Oh well – I was told not to worry about it so I am not going to.

Today, I am just happy I feel like eating again – thank GOD for Cheese-It crackers!

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