Sick – again

I can’t believe this but I woke up this morning around 5:45am with the same symptoms I had way back in July when I was sick for a month.

I am so disappointed – I wish I had any clue why this was happening to me. This time was worst than last time – it finally got the point this morning where if I even stood up, I would get hot and sweaty, feel like I was going to pass out or throw up. Finally, I reliquished myself to bed – all day from around 11am – until just about 15 minutes ago. My stomach still hurts but the rest of me feels a tiny bit better. I can’t eat anything yet – I may actually go through this whole day and not eat a thing, at this rate. I lost too much weight the first time this happened – I honestly don’t have that much more to lose.

So, I have been laying in bed all day, feeling sorry for myself, watching endless movies on the CW and watching the rain/sleet/snow come down all day. Did I have anything particular important to do today? No – besides laundry and bills (neither of which have been touched) and possibly heading over to visit Lynne and the kids today for the first time in over 2 months, nothing more.

I will call the GI doctor tomorrow and tell him what happened, see what he wants to do. I will call Lynne tomorrow and get the name of her mother’s doctor – the one who put her through the food allergy tests and possibly make an appointment. I am doing something to make myself sick and I have no idea what it is. I didn’t eat the best this weekend – that is for sure but no quantity or anything in particular that should make me feel THIS bad.

I will have to catch up with all of you sometime this week – just reading this is making my head hurt already. I better try and figure out if there is anything else in this house I can take to make myself stop going to the bathroom and hopefully get some kind of nourishment in me before tomorrow. I literally CANNOT miss anymore work at this point – I don’t have any days off left to take. ONE WEEK is all I have left to last between now and March 31st and we are supposed to save it for if we get sick in our 4th fiscal quarter. *sigh*

Why is this happening?

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November 9, 2008

Hope you feel better soon. Hugs,

November 9, 2008

Hi I found you off the child free interest circle. I hope you feel better, sounds awful.

November 10, 2008


November 10, 2008

Oh I’m sorry to read that you are sick again. This sounds really bad and I hope that you get to see the doctor soon so that you can work out what is causing it. You didn’t get a chance to mention how the job interview went so I hope that there is good news there. I know you’ll update us when you feel better.