Vacation is Over

*sigh* Isn’t it just the saddest thing?

We got home tonight around 7pm and we had a great time this week.

I was able to spend much more time with my folks and brother than I ever thought I would. Brian’s brother is the one that ended up petering out on us pretty much at every turn. I am not sure what is going on with that guy.

I will post a detailed entry tomorrow with pictures and all of the great places we went and things we did.

But, I DID relax – more than I have on any vacation I have ever taken. I read, I sat around my parent’s house for hours upon end and it was so . . .peaceful. Except for the heated political exchanges between Brian and me and my dad. Noone got mad or upset – I think we all enjoyed having someone on the other side to vent our frustrations to. Even if we didn’t agree with each other.

Monday – back to reality, back to work, back to busy, busy, BUSY! I already went through all of my work E-mails and nothing special, thank goodness. My boss was mysteriously absent from all E-mail exchanges so I wonder if she physically or maybe just mentally checked out for the week as well.

Hope you all had a great week, a fun Halloween and for now, I am off to enjoy my beer, some football and hug and kiss my 3 cats. MAN – did I miss them!

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November 2, 2008

So glad you had a relaxing vacation.