There is a First for Everything. . .

. . .and mine is pneumonia. Yup – you heard me right – I have pneumonia!!!

Last night as I was getting ready for bed, I just could not stop coughing so I took my cough syrup, just like the night before but after an entire hour, no relief. I was so frustrated and scared – what if I couldn’t stop coughing? I would never be able to go to sleep, never be able to get up for work, and oh yeah – KEEP COUGHING!

I was so desperate, I called the on call doctor at my doctor’s office – what an asshole. I understand – it is not your life long dream to have some coughing broad call you up at home at 9pm on a week night but you are, in fact, actually ON CALL, hence, it is your job. I explained the situation as briefly as I could – said the cough syrup wasn’t working and asked if there I could either #1 – up the dose a little bit to see if that helped or #2 – take something else in conjunction with it to help. He just sat there – very condecending and said, of course not – you have to take all meds as directed and if it wasn’t working, there was nothing I could do.

I got off the phone and just sat on the couch and cried. I was tired, my body was weary, I just wanted to go to sleep and was so sick of being sick. I knew something wasn’t right but at 9pm, the only options were the ER and I wasn’t quite ready for that yet. So, I laid down in bed and finally dozed off around 11pm.

I got up this morning feel worse and decided then and there I had to get back in to see the doctor NOW. Unfortunately, I had left my work laptop at work, thinking I had to be getting better so I had to make the trip out to work to get it first. My doctor’s office opened at 8am and I called them at 8 on the dot. They couldn’t get me in until 11:40, which just wasn’t going to work. It is a 30 minute drive to my firm so I would have had to drive all the way and then back to my doctor’s office which is also another 30 minute drive from my house – a complete waste.

Luckily, the local Clinic offers an Immediate Care Clinic, right around the corner from my company – the same place Brian took me to when I had the flu in February. It costs me the exact same as a office visit – just a co-pay and my guess was that at 8am on a Weds morning, I might have a shot of getting right in.

I did – noone was there and within 30 minutes, I was back in a room with the ICC doctor. He was SO nice, so different than my regular doctor – not that my doctor isn’t nice, but I really don’t think he takes me seriously when I go in there anymore. I know I go to the doctor A LOT but I don’t go for every sniffle or hangnail – if I go in, something is wrong with me. I think my regular doctor gets frustrated because he can’t readily tell what is wrong with me and has a tendency to brush me off.

Not this guy – he was like a doting father and rushed me off to the Radiology Department to get a chest X-rays. Within the hour, I found out I had pneumonia.

I wanted to cry from relief – not because I want pneumonia but because I finally had SOMETHING, I knew it didn’t feel right, that this wasn’t a normal cold, that it was ridiculous that after 10 days, I still wasn’t feeling any better.

So, Father Doctor hooked me up with an inhaler, a steroid and a better antibodic than my family doc and ordered me home for the next week. He said that if I felt better – really better, then I could go to work on Monday if I wanted to. I felt so guilty and sad – I will have to use the week off I had planned to use for around Christmastime but what can you do? Not to mention, my boss’s last day was yesterday so I literally am the only one in my office now to do her work.

My new boss was wonderful – I E-mailed them all as soon as I got home and she insisted that I literally not work at all for the rest of the week, she didn’t want me doing anything. It took such a load off my shoulders to have permission to just sit for the next 3 days.

I felt worse as this afternoon wore on – my cough was back and even 4 hits off my new inhaler didn’t stop it. I took a whole dose of cough syrup with codeine and before I knew it – me, Cara L, was napping in the middle of the day! Another first for me.

I woke up at 4:45pm when my aunt called to check up on me and when I finally got my groggy ass up, I really did feel much better.

I can’t believe this has happened to me – I have never been this sick in my entire life. I feel like I am being too lazy but when I was faced with the option of being put in the hospital, if I get worse, then I guess it is pretty important to be lazy for a while.

So, I have a comfy couch, 3 brand new books to read and over 100 DVDs in my collection at my disposal for the next 4 days. I do have plans on Saturday I would like to keep if at all possible but I swear, I am not doing anything if I do not feel markedly better. I promise.

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October 8, 2008

Random Noter: Being sick sucks. Get well soon! 🙂

Jesus, woman!!!! Get well soon!! 🙁 🙁

October 8, 2008

Ugh, that’s the worst! I had pneumonia in kindergarten – I don’t remember anything but that heavy chest feeling. The. Worst. Here’s hoping modern medicine is way better than it was in 1980!

October 8, 2008

Hope you get better soon! I’m glad you finally go the right diagnosis. I had pneumonia last year too!

October 8, 2008

Its good to finally know what you have. I’m just wondering how you managed to get pneumonia.

October 9, 2008

OMG, good job you went to you local clinic! I think it might be time to try and fine a new family doctor. Hope you are finally on the way to recovery. Take care,