Ready for Fall to Start

I am in a holding pattern right now – the days are passing me by so quickly, in a blur and I am getting through them as best I can. I don’t have the same attitude, don’t worry about the same things, am not looking forward to one day or the next – I am just trying to make it, an hour at a time.

– My boss’s last day was today. We took her out to lunch yesterday as a going away and a few of my coworkers had gotten her cards and little trinkets to wish her well. What did I get? Nothing and it never occurred to me that I should have. I gave her a hearty thank you, good luck and a hug when she left today and that was it.

– I can’t seem to get my voice back, no matter how much I rest and try and take care of myself. I finally started on antibodics yesterday and got myself an industrial Rx of cough syrup with codeine in it. Let me tell you – that’s the stuff! But everytime I open my mouth to say anything, all that comes out is a lame croak – I swear, if one more person says “Huh?” to me, I am going to punch them in the face!

– I haven’t worked out since Thursday, September 25th which is almost 2 weeks now. I miss it terribly but am afraid to wear myself out and take a step back in my recovery of this Godzilla virus. Until I can speak clearly and not dissolve into coughing fits at taking a deep breath, my ass will stay put on the couch, thank you very much.

– Though I have to admit *gesturing you closer* I am enjoying my down time a little too much. My TiVo is all caught up and I have gotten through 2 books in the past week. I missed reading more than I realized but I have had enough of Brian’s accusing eyes as he heads to the basement to work out or out the front door for a bike ride. Kind of takes all the fun out of being lazy.

– it is supposed to be gorgeous the rest of this week, very unseasonably warm and my aunt and I are going to head to the local farmer’s market on Saturday for our fall goodies (I hope). I haven’t been there since this time last year but they have great homemade baked goods, Amish cheese and meats, cute fall crafts and housewears and then potted mums, pumpkins and apples as far as the eye can see! I am looking forward to getting into the swing of fall, doing something seasonal instead of just watching the leaves on the trees change out my back door from sitting on my couch. They really haven’t even changed that much yet. Give ’em a few more weeks. . .I love this time of year!

OK – I have some TiVo calling my name – I am pretty sure Heroes wasn’t on last night but I know Chuck was. . .I have NO idea why I like that show. Maybe because I think Chuck is kinda cute? *wink*

One more thing – I can’t believe Hef and Holly broke up! I don’t know why this upsets me as much as it does – I am closet Girls Next Door fan and can’t imagine the two of them not being together anymore. I would guess eventually, that will be the end of the show. I have heard all kinds of rumors – she was cheating on him with Criss Angel so he dumped her, that she was getting tired of waiting for marriage and kids so she dumped him, that he was looking to replace all of the girls in the house for new ones for a new Girls Next Door. . .

Either way, it sounds pretty certain they have actually broke up so I better enjoy the new episodes of TGND while I can. *running to check TiVo*

I know – I am completely pathetic. Every time Brian sees me watching that show, he goes on and on, telling me how he can’t stand it, how stupid it is, how stupid THEY are – I have no idea why I like it. Anyone else?

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October 7, 2008

Feel better hun. Hugs,