Just a Quick One

I haven’t had a chance to read everyone since my long weekend but I will be soon – I promise!

Just wanted to drop in and say we had a fabulous weekend – it was so much fun and really couldn’t have gone much better.

Loved the play – anyone in the Indy area, I would highly suggest checking out Beef and Boards, it far surpassed my very low expectations.

I found out I ROCK on the bass guitar by playing Rock Band at my cousin’s until 2am Saturday night.

And now I have a cold. I started getting a scratchy throat, AGAIN, yesterday morning and this morning it has morphed into a really fun cough, tight chest and sinuses that burn every time I take a breath. If I can keep the fever at bay, I will stick it out at work but one warm cheek and I am heading home.

Oh – and you guys are so funny – thanks for your notes on my last entry, especially the one about being a size 2! Let me just say this is the first time in my LIFE I have been this size – since high school, it has hovered between a 6 and a 10, getting close to a 12 in 2004. I am still utterly shocked and surprised every time I step in a dressing room and a size 2 really fits. I swear to you, I think the sizes have increased over the years where a 2 now might be a 6 five or ten years ago. It just doesn’t feel THAT small.

But I would be lying if I didn’t admit to a little tear of joy, every time I spy that number “2” on the label of my pants as I pull them on. No matter how false it may be!

Oh yes, and drunken pictures WILL be coming shortly!

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Sounds like an awesome weekend! I always wanted to try that theatre but, like you, thought it’d be boring and old-peopleish!