Bear With Me For a Moment

I try really hard not to talk politics on my diary – mostly because they don’t really dominate my life, most of the time. But lately, it is harder and harder to keep my mouth shut and watch this country go down the shitter.

I know about half of my favs are mostly right and the other half are mostly left of center but I ask all of you to read this post by one the most interesting bloggers in the country. VERY IMPORTANT – also check out the link to the AP article she references in her post.

As most of the comments to this entry state, Heather has put into words what so many of us are feeling but can’t articulate as well as she can. We are confused, we are sad, we are angry that so many people seem willing to let the wool be pulled over their eyes and we JUST. DON’T. GET. IT.

I know too many people who are suffering, too many people struggling, too many people – good, hardworking people that have been beaten down by life in our country these days, I cannot look at myself in the mirror with a clear conscience and vote for McCain.

Do I think Obama is the absolute best choice, a savior for our country like so many people think all liberals think? HELL NO – he has many faults, just like most people do. But unfortunately, the way our country works, we only get two people to choose from and my heart tells me that he is going to take the country in a better direction than the alternative for all of the same reasons as this blog entry from Dooce . . .and then some.

I just wish everyone would take the time to listen to both sides, hear their plans, think about their own beliefs, values, what is important to them – to look in their hearts and think for themselves and not just do what their husband tells them to do, what their church tells them to do, what their parents tell them to do.

OK – I am done. I swear, no more about it, I promise. But, I just didn’t feel right saying nothing.

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I’m right there with you. Can’t in good faith vote McCain but don’t worship Obama…

September 9, 2008

No need to apologise in your own diary! Actually I find it interesting to read what you think about what is going on and who you will vote for. We only really see the headline events in the UK – and I am not sure that I have really followed all the issues that are being discussed.